Description Inquest unidentified male 1857

Pictou April 1857

No. 9 Held an Inquest at this Burying Ground Point Beeches on the 9th April on view of the body of a man found floating in the water there — Verdict The Jury do find that the said male person whose name is unknown to the said Jurors came to his death by being accidentally drowned in the water of the Harbour of Pictou (Body taken coffin and buried under direction of John Baillim one of the Jurors)

File number: 2014-01-75-9
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: John Doe, Harris, sheriff, drowning, death, Pictou, Pictou Harbor, accident, incident
Views: 759
Uploaded on: February 17, 2017

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