Description James Ead Inquest 1856

No. 2 Held an Inquest at Pictou this 23 August 1856 on view of the body of James Ead — Verdict — The Query find that four children varing from the age of 12 years to eighteen were the day amusing themselves in the water in a log canoe in Palluns cove in the County aforesaid and the wind being offshore and f-- the could not bring the canoe to land they imprudently jumped overboard and attempted to swim to the shore when the deceased James Ead was accidentally drowned and the Jury accordingly found a verdict of accidental death by drowning.

File number: 2014-01-75-2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Harris, sheriff, incident, accident, death, Paulens cove, Paullens cove
Views: 662
Uploaded on: February 17, 2017

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