Estate of Alphin Chisholm, late of New Glasgow, Farmer, deceased, Testate
Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds
Know all men by these present that I Alphin Chisholm of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou, farmer, being of sound discerning mind and memory do hereby make publish and declare this to be my last Will and testament.
1st. I give and bequeath to my sister Mary Chisholm The piece of land on the North side of Sinclair's line and lying between the Intercolonial Railway and the main road Extending from the said line Northerly to the drain running between the main Road and said Railway Containing about four Acres more or less during the natural term of her life.
2nd I also give and bequeath to my said sister Mary, her life use of Ten Acres of land in the rear of my Farm for Pasturage. I also give to her Two Cows one Horse one wagon Harness one sleigh one Cart set Harrows one Plough and all my Household Furniture, also the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars towards building a suitable House for her on the land herein bequeathed, and also the sum of Two Hundred Dollars per annum while she lives.
3rd. I give and bequeath to Flora McPherson the privilege of a Home with my sister Mary during her natural life and after her death the life use of the piece of land herein bequeathed to Mary with the use of the House and the sum of Forty dollars per annum during her life time provided that she remains with my sister and use her best endeavours to make herself useful and minister to my said sister's comfort in Health and in sickness.
4th. I give and bequeath to my Edward E. McLeod One Acre f land at Sinclair's line after my sister's death with a fair proportion of frontage on the main road/west side/for her benefit an behoof forever.
5th. I give and bequeath to my Brother William The pieces of land adjoining Harry Townsend's line between the main road and the Intercolonial Railway, Extending Southerly to the drain, Containing about two Acres more or less- for his own benefit- and behoof forever, excepting the roadway into my House.
6th. I give and bequeath to my nephew Alphin J. Chisholm, William's son the lot of land in New Glasgow upon which my Brother William now lives for his benefit and behoof forever with buildings thereon.
7th. I give and bequeath to Mrs. Mary E. McLeod The sum of Fifty dollars when my Executors can do so, out of the proceeds of my Estate.
8th. I give and bequeath to my executors to be named herein by me the Residue of my Real Estate lands and house, and also the residue of all my personal property goods and chattels in Trust with full power to sell and convey the same at such times and in such manner as they shall consider most advantageous to my Estate, The proceeds to be devoted and given to the following purposes, viz. first for the payment of bequeaths herein already made. Secondly to the Trustees of James Church the sum of Six Hundred Dollars for the payment of the debt on the Manse. 3rd. to the British and Foreign Bible Society of London the Sum of Two Hundred Dollars. 4th. The Home Mission Scheme of the Presbyterian Church in Canada Eastern Section Two Hundred dollars. 5th. The Residue of my Estate to be given to the Foreign Mission Scheme of the Presbyterian Church in Canada Eastern Section, and the French Evangelical Scheme of Said Church in equal portions.
9th. I hereby any former wills made by me.
10th. I hereby appoint and constitute James W. Fraser (Basin) East River and George W. Underwood of New Glasgow Executors of this my said last Will and Testament.
11th. I order that the bequeaths to my sisters Flora McPherson and Mrs. Mary McLeod shall be fully provided for my Executors before the other personal bequeaths are paid. dated at New Glasgow this Eighteenth day August A.D. 1880.
Signed Alphin Chisholm L.S.
Signed Sealed and Executed by the above named Alphin Chisholm and declared by him to be his last Will and testament in our presence and in the presence of each other at New Glasgow this Eighteenth day of August A.D. 1880.
Signed Harry Townsend
Signed Graham Fraser
I Alphin Chisholm of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou, Farmer, having made and Executed my will on the eighteenth day of August last part in presence of Harry Townsend and Graham Fraser as attending witnesses, do hereby make this Codicil to my said Will.
1st. I give this year's crop to my sister Mary for the benefit of the House.
2nd. I authorize my Executors to pay the Trustees of James Church Five Hundred dollars instead of Six Hundred dollars as therein bequeathed.
3rd. I ordain that my executors shall have full power to invest the proceeds of my Estate as it may be sold from time to time in such securities as they shall consider most advantageous for my estate and in case the interest accruing from such investments shall not yield a sum sufficient to pay my sisters Mary & Flora McPherson the amount of the bequeaths therein made of Two Hundred Dollars and Forty Dollars respectively, then in that case they shall only be paid such sum of money /in relative proportions/ as shall accrue from said investments.
4th. The piece of land bequeathed to Flora McPherson for her life tie shall be the portion remaining after deducting the acre of land therein bequeathed to Edward E. McLeod.
5th. I hereby cancel the bequeath to my nephew Alphin Chisholm of the lot in New Glasgow as I have given his Father William Chisholm a deed of the same.
with the above exceptions and qualifications I hereby ratify and confirm the said Will as witness my hand and seal dated at New Glasgow this Twentieth day of September A.D. 1880.
Signed Alpin Chisholm L.S.
Signed and Sealed by the above named Alphin Chisholm in our presence and in the presence of each other and declared by him to be the Codicil to his last Will and testament dated at New Glasgow this Twentieth day of September A.D. one Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty.
Signed R.E. Chambers
Signed T.B. Chambers
Signed G. W. Underwood
County of Pictou
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of four pages, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of Alphin Chisholm late of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou, Farmer, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court.
Given under my hand at Pictou this 8th day of March A.D. 1884. John H. Lane Registrar
To the Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
Province of Nova Scotia Registrars Office Pictou 14th March 1884 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 3 PM of the above day in the registry of Wills Book No 1 pages 221,222 & 223 on the certificate of John H. Lane Registrar John Ferguson Rgr.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 1078C |
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Tags: | Alphin Chisholm of New Glasgow, Mary Chisholm, Sinclair's line, INtercolonial Railway, Flora McPherson, Edward E. McLeod, William Chisholm, Harry Townsend, nephew Alphin J. Chisholm, Mrs. Mary E. McLeod, James Church, British & Foreign Bible Society, Home Mission of Presbyterian Church of Canada Eastern Section, French Evangelical Scheme, James W. Fraser of (Basin) East River, George W. Underwood of New Glasgow, Graham Fraser, R.E. Chambers, J. B. Chambers, 1880, 1884 |
Views: | 895 |
Uploaded on: | February 13, 2015 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |