Estate of David McPherson late of New Glasgow, Farmer, deceased, Testate
Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds
I David McPherson of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia,” Farmer”, Hereby make publish and declare this paper writing to be my last Will and testament, and as to such worldly goods and property wherewith it has pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me, I dispose of as follows –
1St. To my son John James I give and bequeath all accounts balances of accounts, debts due and that may be coming due unto me, including one promissory note of hand in the sum of One Hundred and ninety Dollars Signed by him and made payable to myself, Also all the farming Implements and utensils used for farming or otherwise.
2nd. To my Daughter Maria the wife of Daniel F. Graham, I give and bequeath the sum of $400.00 Four Hundred Dollars to be paid to herself in yearly installments of thirty Dollars each year, and I direct my Executors to place the said Sum of Four Hundred Dollars in the Government Savings Bank and to pay the sum of Thirty dollars annually with the interest thereon to herself.
3rd. To my Daughter Margaret Catherine I give devise and bequeath the House and lot in which I now reside on the west side of the Intercolonial Railway in New Glasgow together with the household furniture contained therein.
4th. To my Daughter Mary I give and bequeath the sum of ($200.00) Two hundred Dollars.
5th. To my Brother Hugh McPherson of Pointsville Lodge by Invergordon in Scotland I give and bequeath the sum of (L*0.00) Stg. Eighty pounds Sterling in trust for the use of my brother James McPherson and my sister Henrietta McPherson to be paid to them as they may require.
6th. To my son David McPherson I give and bequeath the sum of $50.00 fifty dollars,, and to his son Henry the sum of Twenty Dollars.
7th. To my son James McPherson I give and bequeath the sum of fifty Dollars, and to his twin son David Albert and Alfred the sum of Thirty Dollars each.
8th. To my son John J. McPherson’s children I give and bequeath the sum of $50.00 Dollars. That is $20.00 Twenty Dollars to the young boy David and the balance equally among the other children.
9th. I direct that my Executors expend for fencing the Burying ground Lot and putting a monument thereon the sum of One Hundred and twenty Dollars.
10th. For the purpose of providing for the payment of the aforesaid monies I direct my Executors to sell he Six acre field and the other vacant lots in New Glasgow and to pay and provide for the payment of the aforesaid bequests, and after paying all my just debts the remainder to be equally divided between my daughters Maria, Margaret Catharine and Mary.
11th. And I hereby nominate and appoint as Executors of this my last Will my son John J. McPherson and John Ferguson of Fisher’s Grant.
In witness whereof I have Signed Sealed and published and declared this Instrument as my last Will and Testament at New Glasgow this first day of June A.D. 1883.
Signed David McPherson L.S.
The said David McPherson “Farmer” on the said 1st. day of June 1883, Signed and Sealed this Instrument and published and declared the same as his last Will, and we at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other and have hereunto written our names as Subscribing witnesses., at New Glasgow in the said County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia.
Signed ---- A. W. Fraser
" ---- J. Heywood MacGregor
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of two pages, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of David McPherson, late of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou, Farmer, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court.
Given under my hand at Pictou this 31st. day of August A.D. 1883.
John H. Lane Registrar
To John Ferguson Esqr.
Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
No Stamp
Province of Nova Scotia, Registrar of Deeds
Office, County of Pictou, 7th NOV 1883 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 3 PM of the above day in the registry of Wills Book No 1, pages 210 & 211 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr.
John Ferguson Regr
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2679M |
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Tags: | David McPherson of New Glasgow, Farmer, John James McPherson, Maria (McPherson) Graham, wife of Daniel F. Graham, Margaret Catherine McPherson, Mary McPherson, Hugh McPherson of Pointsville Lodge near Invergordon Scotland, James McPherson, Henrietta McPherson, David McPherson, Henry McPherson, son James McPherson, David Albert McPherson, Alfred McPherson, grandson David McPherson, John Ferguson of Fisher's Grant, A.W. Fraser, J. Heywood MacGregor, 1883 |
Views: | 638 |
Uploaded on: | February 7, 2017 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |