Will of J. Peter McPhie, deceased
Certified Copy of Will for Reg of Deeds Pictou
Know all men by these presents that I J. Peter McPhie of Avondale in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia, Carriage Maker, being of sound and disposing mind do make publish and declare this my Last Will and Testament as follows,
1st. I give bequeath and devise to my daughter Isabella Cunningham my property consisting of one house and lot in the Town of New Glasgow.
2nd. I give bequeath and devise to my son in law Robert H.Cunningham of Avondale my property consisting of one hundred and fifty acres of land situated at Churchville in he County of Pictou with all appurtenances thereto belonging.
3rd. I give and bequeath to my son on law Robert H.JCunningham Cash three hundred Dollars more or less said money being in the hands of J.F. Doull Merchant of the Town o New Glasgow and secured by note of hand.
4th. The proceeds of two other notes of hand given by sons Thomas D. McPhie and John J. McPhie consisting of fourteen hundred Dollars more or less I bequeath to my three sons Thomas D. McPhie, John J. McPhie and Alexander D. McPhie share and share alike.
5th. I give and bequeath to my daughter Isabella Cunningham all the remainder of my personal property of every description.
I hereby nominate and appoint Robert H. Cunningham as Sole executors of this my last Will and Testament
Signed Peter McPhie
Signed published and declared as and for his last Will and Testament by Peter McPhie in our presence and we in his presence in the presence of each other do subscribed our names as witnesses.
(Sgd.) Geo. W. Cunningham
(Sgd.) James A. McDonald
Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of Peter McPhie late of Avondale in the County of Pictou Carriage Maker deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the 21st. day of January AD 1911.
Witness my hand at Pictou this 21st. day of January AD 1911.
John D. MacLeod Registrar
Office, County of Pictou, MAY 4 1911 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 11 AM of the above day in Book 5 page 23 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg
John Yorston Registrar.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2674M |
Contributor: |
Tags: | Peter McPhie of Avondale, Carriage Maker, Isabella Cunningham, Robert H. Cunningham of Avondale, J. F. Doull (Merchant) of New Glasgow, Thomas D. McPhie, John J. McPhie, Alexander D. McPhie, George W. Cunningham, James A. McDonald, 1911 |
Views: | 533 |
Uploaded on: | February 7, 2017 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |