Estate of John McLean late of McLellan’s Mountain Farmer, deceased, Testate
Division of Real Estate Copy of Description and Plan for the Registrar of Deeds
Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou
In the Court of Probate 1881
In the matter of the Estate of John McLean, late of McLellan’s Mountain, County of Pictou, Farmer, deceased, testate, on proceedings of Heirs at Law for partition of understated Real Estate.
Lot No. 1, as laid down on the said plan to Donald McLean, son of the deceased and one of his heirs at Law, commencing at a stake on the base line that bounds the east side of late John McLean’s property and at the South east corner of said Donald McLean fifty acres lot, North Eighty four degrees and thirty minutes West twenty five chains and thirty links to a stake on the line of Donald McLean’s land thence south thirty six degrees west until it comes to a hardwood stake, thence South eighty four degrees and thirty minutes East twenty nine chains and Sixty one links to a maple tree on said base line thence North five degrees and thirty minutes East seven chains and thirty one links to the place of beginning – containing twenty acres more or less.
To Alexander McLean son and heir at law of the said John McLean, they laid off an allotted Lot No. 2, as represented in the place of Subdivisions as aforesaid described as follows – commencing at a maple tree on the east line of the late John McLean’s property and at the South East corner of the lot No. 1 on said plan thence running North Eighty four degrees and thirty minutes West twenty nine chains and Sixty one links to a hardwood stake on the east line of Donald McLean’s property thence South thirty one degrees West to a birch tree at the corner of Findlay McDonald’s property, thence South thirty one degrees and thirty minutes West or until it comes to a stake in the fence on the East line of Findlay McDonald’s property, thence South Eighty four degrees and thirty minutes, East thirty three chains and forty eight links or until it comes to two small spruce trees on the East line of the late John McLean’s property, thence North five degrees and thirty minutes seven chains and Sixty links to the place of beginning, containing twenty four acres more or less.
To John McLean junior, son and heir at law of said John McLean the laid off and allotted Lot No. 3 as represented and described on the place of Subdivision as aforesaid (words scratched out and these inserted- initialed) as follows – Beginning at two small spruce trees on the East line of the late John McLean’s property and at the South east corner of Lot No. 2 on said plan thence running North eighty four degrees and thirty Minutes West thirty three chains and forty eight links till it comes to the line of Findlay McDonald’s property, thence South thirty one degrees and thirty minutes West until it comes to the corner of the fence on Findlay McDonald’s land, thence along said line South thirty eight degrees East until it comes to a stake and stones, thence South eighty four degrees and thirty minutes East thirty six chains and fifty links till it comes to a stake in the \east line of late John McLean’s property, thence North Five degrees and thirty minutes East six chains and ninety links to the place of beginning, containing Twenty four acres more or less.
To Catherine McLean, daughter of the said John McLean Senior, and one of his heirs at Law the laid off and allotted Lot No 4 as represented in the said plan of Subdivision and described as follows- Beginning at a stake on the east boundary of the late John McLean’s property and on the South east corner of lot No. 3, thence North Eighty four degrees and thirty minutes West, thirty six chains and fifty links to a stake and stones in Findlay McDonald’s line fence, thence South thirty eight degrees East along said fence until it comes to a pile of stones, on the west side of the road leading to Findlay McDonald’s house, thence South Eighty four degrees and thirty minutes East thirty two chains and Sixty six links to a stake on the East boundary of the late John McLean’s property, thence North five degrees and thirty minutes East seven chains to the place of beginning, containing twenty four acres more or less.
To the heirs of Margaret McLean late Widow o Donald McDonald with whom she intermarried they laid off and allotted Lot No. 5, as represented in the said plan of Subdivision, and described as follows, viz. – Beginning at a stake on the east boundary line of the late John McLean’s property and at the South east Corner of Lot No. 4, thence North Eighty four degrees and thirty minutes West thirty two chains and Sixty six links to a pile of stones on Findlay McDonald’s line, West side of the road leading to the said Findlay McDonald’s house, thence South thirty eight degrees East to a stake at the South side of a small brook, thence South Eighty three degrees East twenty two chains and thirteen links to a stake on the east boundary of the late John McLean’s property, thence North seven degrees East eight chains and fifty links to the south west corner of one William Weir’s property, thence North five degrees and thirty minutes East one chain and ten links to the place of beginning, containing Twenty four acres more or less.
To Ann Stewart daughter and heir at Law of the said John McLean, deceased, they laid off and allotted Lo No. 6 as represented in the said plan of Subdivision and described as follows, viz. – Beginning at a stake on the East boundary line of the late John McLean’s property and at the south east Corner of Lot No. 5, thence North Eight three degrees West twenty two chains and thirteen links to a stake on the South side of a Brook on Peter Cameron’s line, thence South thirty eight degrees East or until it comes to a stake on the side of a Brook at the extreme Southern corner of the late John McLean’s property, thence North seven degrees East twenty one chains and Eighty eight links to the place of beginning, containing twenty three perches, more or less.
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate, 1881
I do hereby certify that the foregoing transcripts marked 1,2,3,4,5,& 6, are true copies of the said lots respectively set off and allotted by the Commissioners appointed for that purpose, a plan of which is herewith annexed, the same having been confirmed by a decree of the Judge of Probate of this County, dated the 18th. day of February A.D. 1881.
Given under my hand at Pictou this first day of March A.D. 1881.
John H. Lane Registrar
To John Ferguson, Esqr.
Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
No Stamp
Province of Nova Scotia, Registrar of Deeds
Office, County of Pictou, 2nd. July 1881 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 3 PM of the above day in the registry of Wills Book No 1, pages 97,98 & 99 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr.
John Ferguson Regr
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2628M |
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Tags: | John McLean of McLellan's Mountain, Farmer, Donald McLean, Alexander McLean, Findlay McDonald, John McLean Jr., Catherine McLean, late Margaret McLean widow of Donald McDonald, Ann Stewart, William Weir, Peter Cameron, 1881 |
Views: | 735 |
Uploaded on: | February 3, 2017 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |