Will of David McLean, deceased
Certified Copy of Will for Reg of Deeds Pictou
West River, N.S.
July 19, 1902
I David McLean of West River in the County of Pictou, and Province of Nova Scotia being of Sound mind and in the full possession of all my faculties do make this my Last Will and Testament.
First – I will unto my wife Jenny McLean all my property of whatsoever Description viz. lands building, stock machinery household furniture bank account and promissory notes for her sole use during her life time.
Second – I will hat whatever remains at the death of the said Jenny McLean shall be divided equally between our surviving children, Edward, Jane, Lizzie and Caroline, in case that any of the children should predecease the said Jenny McLean then the residue shall be divided equally between the living ones.
I also appoint the said James R. McLean, Robert T. McCoull and William O. Creighton as my executors to carry out the provisions of this Will.
and Executrix of this my last and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time made.
Signed David McLean (L.S.)
Signed in the presence of
W.O. Creighton
Susan Creighton
This nineteenth day of July AD 1902
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of David McLean late of West River in the County of Pictou Farmer deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the 10th. day of August AD 1905.
Witness my hand at Pictou this 10th. day of August AD 1905.
John D. MacLeod Registrar
Office, County of Pictou, APR 28 1906 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 3 PM of the above day in Book 4 page 154-155 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg
John Yorston Registrar.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2619M |
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Tags: | David McLean of West River, Farmer, Jenny McLean, Edward McLean, Jane McLean, Lizzie McLean, Caroline McLean, 1902, James R. McLean, Robert T. McCoull, William O. Creighton, Susan Creighton, 1905 |
Views: | 678 |
Uploaded on: | February 3, 2017 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |