Description Supreme Court Docket of Judgement between William Bourne al and John McPhee al


In the Supreme Court of Pictou June Term 1844

Docket of Judgement

William Bourne & al and John McPhee & al

Dated 14th. June 1844 Wilkins Plffs atty Dickson Deft. atty

DL 1.5.8

C 18.14.3

L 19.19.11

Pictou S.S. In the Supreme Court October Term 1844

Cause - William Bourne and John Wray - Plaintiffs

            John McPhee and Donald McPhee - Defendant

Not Guilty in an Action of Trespass between the said William Bourne and John Wray and the said John McPhee and Donald McPhee. Petit Jury called empanelled and Sworn. Witnesses Sworn and interrogated. Verdict defendants Guilty Damages owe one pound five shillings and eight pence. Therefore it is considered that the said William Bourne and John Wray do recover against the said John McPhee and Donald McPhee their damages aforesaid of one pound five shillings and eight pence and also the sum of Eighteen pounds fourteen shillings and three pence for their costs of said amounting in all to Nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and eleven pence. And the said John and Donald McPhee in Mercy to

Signed Brenton Haliburton

June 10th., 1844

I, James Skinner, Deputy Prothonotary of Her Majesty's Supreme Court of Judicature for the County of Pictou, in the Province of Nova Scotia, do hereby certify unto all whom it doth or may concern, that the foregoing is a true and correct extract and copy of the original Docket and Judgement in the cause of William Bourne and John Wray against John McPhee and Donald McPhee entered upon the Docket Book of Judgement of Her Majesty's Supreme Court at Pictou, in the Province aforesaid, Letter 6 Page 318 which judgement was duly Entered, Docketed, and signed by the Honorable Brenton Haliburton the Chief Justice of said Supreme Court, on the tenth day of June in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty four for the sum of Nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and eleven pence.

Debt and Costs of Suit as of the Term of June in the Year last aforesaid. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Said Supreme Court at Pictou, this fourteenth day of June in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty four

Seal affixed

Signed Jas. Skinner Proy. (seal affixed)

Province of Nova Scotia Registrars Office, Pictou 14th. June 1844 I do certify that the within instrument was registered at 12 o'clock noon of the above day in Liber 29 folio 141 on the Certificate of James Skinner Depy. Proy.

Peter Crerar, Dpy. Rgr.

File number: 15SC - 1023B
Contributor:    Judy Cormier | View all submissions
Tags: William Bourne, John Wray, John McPhee, Donald McPhee, trepass, 1844,
Views: 716
Uploaded on: February 12, 2015

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