Estate of John McKenzie, Deceased
Certified Copy of Will for Reg of Deeds
This is the last will and testament of me John McKenzie of Lourdes in the County of Pictou, Miner
After my funereal and Testamentary expenses are paid I will devise and bequeath a lot of land adjoining a lot owned by Colin Jameson to my son Rod, two hundred long by fifty wide
All the balance of my property real and personal, I bequeath to my lawful wife Catherine.
I appoint Rod McKenzie my brother my executor of my Will.
And at my wife’s death my son William is to have all she leaves.
In witness whereof I have my hand Signed in presence of the undersigned witnesses who in in my presence and in the presence of each other
Signed X his mark John McKenzie
Signed N. B. McDonald
Signed Rod McKenzie
Oct. 22nd. 1903
Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of John McKenzie late of Lourdes in the County of Pictou Mines deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the eleventh day of February AD 1905.
Witness my hand at Pictou this 11th. day of February AD 1905.
John D. MacLeod Registrar
Office, County of Pictou, JUL 21 1905 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 11 AM of the above day in Book 4 page 124 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg
John Yorston Registrar.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2571M |
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Tags: | John McKenzie of Lourdes, Miner, son Rod McKenzie, Colin Jameson, Catherine McKenzie, brother Rod McKenzie, William McKenzie, N.B. McDonald, 1903, 1905 |
Views: | 606 |
Uploaded on: | January 10, 2017 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |