Description James Grant, Merigomish

January Note Book Saturday 1876

January 1 dark dull bad roads at Grant at dinner 2 fine chilly high raw wind attending sick horse

January 3 Splendid fine day soft roads fixing Spring 4 at Vale for Dr. M'Gilvery baby sick very stormy snow

Wednes 5 Very cold cleaning oats 6 Snow Storm disagreeable 7 wild cold Snow Storm Cleaning Oats

Saturday 8 Very fine breaking roads 9 work light snow Rev G M Grant Rev Mr Campbell preached ---

Monday 10 Very Stormy high wind rain losing pump J MacDonald 11 Very Cold Boreing pumps Tom*Don*

Wednes 12 Very cold raw wind boreing pumps for well 13 Cold raw frosty boreing pump very frosty ---

Friday 14 Very fine faw frosty Clear finished pumps for Spring 15 dark and dull fine mild hauling road*

Sunday 16 Snow Mr Coul preached --- 17 dark pleasant at river 18 mild high wind Forbes Mill at Grant rain Cristy*

Wednes 19 Soft black ground Bill Sutherland losing pumps 20 Blacksmith pump irons soft

Firday 21 Very fine fixing pumps down well J McDonald 22 Very Cold frosty wind at Blacksmith pump irons 

Sunday 23 Very Raw Cold Snow light 24 drifting light snow Cold Raw 25 fine cold clearing cleaning wheat*

Wednes 26 cold Raw light Snow Forbe's Mill 27 fine light Snow chopping wood hauling wood

Friday 28 Splendid fine day chopping fire wood good hauling in woods 29 Stormy South high wind

Sunday 30 extremely cold wind clear --- 31 Splendid clear fine chopping fire wood J McDonald with me

February Tues 1  1876

Tuesday 1 Splendid fine day New Glasgow for William 2 Very heavy rain in woods chopping wood high wind

Thursd 3 clear Shing extremely cold in woods 4 hauling wood J McDonald high wind rain

Satur 5 tremendous Cold and frosty bad with the cold myself coldest day and night of Season

Sunday 6 Moderate home Grang* raw 7 Rain Soft Muddy Candy party night Splendid fine night

Tuesday 8 cold raw wind hauling wood 9 Splendid fine clear hauling wood 10 light Snow not well

Friday 11 light Snow Splendid fine day (not well written underneath) hauling down fire wood Very fine day

Sat 12 Soft warm muddy posting school notice at J McRae 13 fine warm Mr Neish -- preaching 

Monday 14 Very fine moderate in woods chopping 15 light Snow hauling wood Stormy night 16 Very fine for Sleigh

Thursd 17 Splendid fine day at the Vale for Minister 18 Very fine at Tom Smith's Nancy Fraser

Satur 19 Splendid fine day hauling wood 20 light Snow Rev Mr Niesh came tonight presberley*

Monday 21 Snow Stormy fine evening Mr Niesh here 22 fine mild New Glasgow Rev Mr Neish

Wednes 23 fine fall snow, school examinations 23, 24 extremely cold frosty at Sale Quarrie island 25 very cold stormy frosty 

Satur 26 Cold raw wind snow squalls hauling wood 27 fine cold raw fine evening preach*

Monday 28 dark chilly --- John Hingley, heavy sleighing white frost*

Tuesday 29 cold chilly dark rain N East Silver thaw at Quarrie Island McNiels night mild

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File number: 96-603a
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: page 1, Hugh Grant, farmer, builder, McNeil, Hingley, Quarrie Island, Tom Smith, Nancy Fraser, McRae, Dr. McGillivray
Views: 700
Uploaded on: December 15, 2016
Source: Michael MacMaster

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