Description Sea Shore Chums

New Glasgow, Febr. 16/18

The Sea-Shore Chums Club met at the home of Mr. McDonald absent members - Duncan McLaren and Frank Smith.

The following dues were paid

Chas McIntosh - January $ .50

Norman Murray (Dec. & Jary. $1.00

Fred Murray   January  $ .50

Harold Grant for Nov. Dec. Jan. $1.50

Ralph Davis   January $ .50

As there was no business followed we were preparing for home when we were surprised by an enjoyable cup of "cafe au lait" and a plate of cake.

After doing justice to the luncheon we started for home .

Am't on hand to date $26.83

Secret. Pres. Chas McI.


The Seashore Chums Club met at the house of Chas. MacIntosh.  The business was opened in the usual manner with the Pres. in the chair, the minutes of the last meetign were read and approved.  Absent members were - Fraser Smith. The following dues were paid

Fred Murray .50

Mr McDonald .50

Duncan McLaren .50

Harold Grant .50

The debt of $5.61 five dollars and sixty-one cents was paid to Normas Murray, who did not force the payment of the one cent.  No more buisness followed.

Am't on hand to date $23.72

Harold Grant, Secretary, Treas.

April 9th, 1918

Meeting of Sea Shore Chums at house of Norman Murray.  The meeting was opened in the usual manner, with the president in the chair, Duncan McLaren was the only absent member.   The following dues were paid.

Mr. McDonald .50

chas McIntosh .50

Norman Murray .50

Duncan McLaren .50

Ralph Davis (2 months) 1.00

Frank Smith .50

Fred Murray .50

The buying of another tent was discussed but no definite plan was arrived at, also the selling of Roland Morris share was discussed but no definite plan was conceived.  No more business followed and with this the meeting adjourned.

Sgd. H. C. Grant, Secretary Treas.

Am't on had to date $27.72

Paid out 2.46

Am't on hand is $25.26

May 30th, 1918

Meeting of Sea Shore Chums at house of Mr. McDonald absent members, Norman Murray, Duncan McLaren.  The following dues were paid

Mr. McDonald .50

Harold Grnat .50

Norman Murray .50

Chas. McIntosh .50

Fred Murray .50

Frank Smth 50

Ralph Smith .50

Ralph Davis .50

No more business followed and the meeting adjourned

Harold Grant, Sect-Treas

Amount carried forward $25.26

Amount rec'd this night Chas McIntosh .50

Frank Smith .50

Duncan McLaren April & May $1.00

Total 3.50

Meeting then adjourned to be called together at the will of the Pres.

Fred Murray, Sect. Treas.

Amt on Hand $32.26

July 10th, 1918

Meeting of Sea Shore chums in 3C's class Room Following dues paid

Mr. McDonald 50¢

Ralph Davis 50¢

Fred Murray 50¢

Norman Murray 50¢

Harold Grant $1.00

Frank Smith 50

Roy Murray mem. fee and dues $9.60

Total $13.10

Paid Out to Mr. Mac $2 for oars.

Paid to Roland Morris $3.60

Amt. left 13.10 -5.60=7.50

Total amt on Hand - 32.26 + 7.50= 39.76

Donald Fraser was then voted upon and decided that he could join the club. Two committees were appointed to look after the food and dishes.  Mr. McDonald and Fred Murray looking after food.

File number: 2016-11-30c
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: , club, group, activity, camping, boating, friends, organization
Views: 651
Uploaded on: December 8, 2016
Source: Acadia University

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