New Glasgow, Sept 28/17
The Sea-Shore Chums club held their regular monthly in the class room of the 3C's absent members Duncan McLaren, Frank Smith and Ralph Davis when the president took the chair. After a short discussion on money matters concerning the club it was decided to pay all out-standing debts.
The following paid their monthly dues
Norman Murray
Fred Murray
Fraser McDonald
Receipt's for the evening $1.50
Club then adjourned to meet again at the will of president.
amt. on Hand $10.05
Harold Grant (Sec-Treas.)
New Glasgow, Oct 26/17
The Sea-Shore Chums met in regular monthly session in the 3C's Class room. President Chas McIntosh in the chair. Duncan McLaren absent. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The following memberships paid dues
Cash Rec'd
Chas McIntosh (Sept & Oct) 1.00
Harold Grant - " '' 1.00
" ' extra week 1.00
Ralph Davis (Sept) .50
Fred Murray (Oct) .50
Norman " " .50
Fraser McDonald " .50
Frank Smith (Sept) .50
Bills paid out to Fraser McDonald $3.68
Money rec'd for good sold
Fraser McDonald 1.65
Norman Murrya .13
Chas McIntosh .48
Ralph Davis .30
Money rec'd for night $7.96
" paid for " 4.28
Balance on Hand 14.33
Harold C. Grant
New Glasgow, Nov 30
The meeting opened with the president in the chair. Absent members Frank Smith.
The following dues were paid
Ralph Davis (Oct & Nov) 1.00
Duncan McLaren (" " " ) 1.00
Fraser MacDonald .50
Fred Murray .50
Norman Murray .50
Rec'd of Oct. Minutes Duncan McLaren for Sept .50
Total receipts $4.00
Bills due to Fraser MacDonald $7.00
Discussion followed
With this the meeting dismissed
Am't on Hand to date $18.33
Harold Grant, Secretary
Dec 31/17
Regular monthly meeting of Sea Shore chums postponed at will of president only three members being present
Am't on hand to date $18.33
Harold Grant, Sec. Treas.
New Glasgow, Jan/18
The Sea Shore Chums club met at the home of the president Chas. McIntosh. Six members present H. Grant & N. Murray being absent.
The following dues were paid
Duncan McLaren (Dec) $ .50
Ralph Davis (Dec) $ .50
Fred Murray (Dec) $ .50
Chas McIntosh (Nov & Dec) 1.00
Frank Smith (Oct & Nov) 1.00
Total receipts for night $3.50
Fred Murray instructed to pay Ross' Bakery .35
Balance on hand of $20.98
meeting closed
F. McDonald (sec. protem)
Am't on hand to date $22.33
Mr McDonald - Dec .50
File number: | 2016-11-30b |
Contributor: |
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Tags: | , club, group, activity, camping, boating, friends, organization |
Views: | 641 |
Uploaded on: | December 8, 2016 |
Source: | Acadia University |