Estate of Stewart Reid late of a Little Harbor, Farmer, deceased, Intestate
Division of the Estate for Registrar of Deeds
Certified by Registrar of Probate
Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou
In the Court of Probate, 1882.
In the matter of the estate of Stewart Reid late of Little Harbour in the County of Pictou, Farmer, deceased, Intestate.
The Commissioners appointed to divide the above Estate have apportioned as follows viz.
To John Reid son of the said deceased thy apportion and allot that piece of land marked on the plan is No. 1. and described as follows viz., Beginning on the southern shore of Chance Harbor at the eastern point of one Daniel MacGregor's land to run thence on said land North eighty two degrees East forty four rods to a stake and stones being the western angle of John Robert Reid's farm lot, thence on said land south thirty degrees east seventy five rods to a marked spruce, thence South forty eight degrees twenty seven rods to a lot of land at present owned and occupied by the said John Reid thence, westwardly the course of said land and the waters of Chance Harbour to the place of beginning containing twenty acres more or less.
and to Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce a daughter of the said deceased they apportioned and allotted that piece of land marked on the annexed plan as No. 2 and described as follows viz., Beginning on the shore of Little Harbour at the Eastern angle of a lot of land at present owned and occupied by John Reid, thence on said land North forty eight degrees East one hundred sixty rods to birch tree, thence North forty five degrees West twelve rods thence north forty eight degrees East thirty rods to the land of John Robert Reid, thence South thirty degrees east twenty seven rods to a spruce tree thence South forty eight degrees West one hundred and ninety rods to the shore of said Little Harbour, thence westwardly on said shore fifteen roads to the place of beginning containing Twenty acres more or less.
To Stewart Reid another son of said deceased they apportioned and allotted that piece of land marked No. 3 and described as follows viz., Beginning on the shore of little harbor at a marked poplar tree at the mouth of a small brook thence North thirty degrees West one hundred and five rods to a stake in the east side line of Lot No. 2 in the said plan, thence along said lot of land South forty eight degrees West seventy six rods, to the waters of Little Harbour, thence Eastwardly the several courses of the said shore one hundred and twenty rods to the place of beginning containing acres more or less.
To Alexander J. Reid they apportioned and allotted that piece of land marked on the said plan as No. 4, being by him purchased from the heirs of Mrs. Alexander McPherson, a deceased daughter of said Stewart Reid, and described as follows, beginning at the shore of Little Harbour at a marked Poplar at the new mouth of a small brook thence North thirty west one hundred and five rods to a stake on the east side line of lot No. 2 on the said plan, thence along said lot of land North, forty eight degrees East twenty eight rods, thence South thirty degrees East, one hundred thirty five rods or to the shores of said Little Harbour, thence Westwardly along said shore to the place of beginning containing Twenty acres more or less.
and to Mrs. Jane Reid another daughter of said Stewart Reid they apportioned and allotted that piece of land marked on the annexed plan as No. 5 and described as follows viz., Beginning on the shore of said Little Harbour at the eastern angle of lot No. 4 on the annexed plan thence on said land North thirty degrees west one hundred thirty five rods to the side line of Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce's land being lot No. 2 on said plan, thence on said land North forty eight degrees East twenty one rods and eight links to a marked fir tree, thence South thirty degrees East one hundred fifty rods to the shore of said Little Harbour, thence westwardly the several courses of said shore to the place of beginning containing Twenty acres or less.
And to George Reid another son of said deceased they apportioned and allotted that piece of land marked on the plan as No. 6 and described as follows viz., Beginning on the shore of said Little Harbour at the eastern angle of lot No. 5 at a poplar tree, thence north thirty degrees west one hundred fifty rods to the side line of Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce's land being lot No.2 on said plan, thence north forty eight degrees east twenty one rods and eight links to a fir tree, thence south thirty degrees east to the shore of Little Harbour aforesaid, thence westwardly along said shore, to the places beginning containing twenty acres more or less.
To Mrs. Ellen Ross another daughter of said deceased they apportioned and allotted that piece of land marked on the said plan as No. 7 and described as follow viz., Beginning on the shore of said Little Harbour at an oak tree being the eastern angle of lot No. 6 on the annexed plan, thence north thirty degrees west one hundred and sixty rods to the side line of Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce's land being lot No. 2 on the annexed plan, thence north forty eight degrees east, on said land twenty one rods and eight links to spruce tree, thence south, thirty degrees east, one hundred and twenty rods to a spruce, thence south forty eight degrees west two rods, thence south thirty degrees to the shore aforesaid, thence westwardly the several courses of said shore to the place of beginning containing twenty acres more or less.
and to the heirs of James Reid another son of said deceased they apportioned and allotted that piece of land marked on the annexed plan as No. 8 and described as follows viz., Beginning on the shore of Little Harbour at a stake and stones, thence north thirty degrees west, fifty rods to a spruce tree, thence north forty eight degrees east two rods, thence north thirty degrees west to the land of Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce being lot No. 2 on the annexed plan, thence on said land north forty eight degrees east, ten rods, or till it comes to the land of John Robert Reid, thence on said land south thirty degrees seventy rods to an ash tree at the head of the upper pond (so called), thence Eastwardly and westwardly the several courses of the south shore of said pond in the waters of Little Harbour to the place of beginning containing twenty acres more or less.
County of Pictou SF
I do hereby certify that the foregoing transcripts 1to 8 are true copies of the said lots as respectfully set off and allowed by the Commissioners appointed for that purpose, a plan of which is hereunto annexed the same having been confirmed by a decree of the Judge of Probate of this County dated the 3rd. day of November 1882
John H. Lane Registrar of Probate
To John Ferguson Esqr.
Registrar of Deeds
for the County of Pictou
No Stamp
Province of Nova Scotia,
Registrar of Deeds Office, County of Pictou, 29th March 1883 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 1 PM of the above day in the Registry of Wills Book No. 1, pages 164,165,166 & 167 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr. of Probate.
John Ferguson Regr.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 3253R |
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Tags: | late Stewart Reid of Litte Harbor, 1882, John Reid, Daniel McGregor, Chance Harbor, Mrs. Elizabeth Bruce, John Robert Reid, Stewart Reid, Alexander J. Reid, late Mrs. Alexander McPherson, Mrs. Jane Reid, George Reid, Mrs. Ellen Ross, late James Reid, 1883 |
Views: | 735 |
Uploaded on: | December 2, 2016 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |