Description Will of James Reid of Big island, Pictou Co., NS

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Estate of James Reid late of Big Island, Farmer, deceased, Testate

Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds

Know all men by these presents that I, James Reid of Big Island, in the County of Pictou, Province of Nova Scotia and Dominion of Canada Farmer, being of sound disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament.

1st.  I give and bequeath to David Reid my son the Eastern half of all that Lot of Land at Big Island whereon I now reside and bounded as follows, on the west by a lot of fifty acres, Deeded to the said David Reid on the north by the Gulf Shore, on the East by Alexer. Robertson's Land and on the South by the Harbour of Merigomish, Containing fifty acres more of lefs, upon the following conditions namely, the said David Reid is to work the place, and support his mother and his two sisters as long as they reside on the place with him, and if the said David Reid neglect or refuse to fulfill the above then the said Lot of Land belongs to his mother and the two girls Jean Reid and Christy Bell Reid, and the said David Reid is also to provide and support the boy James Palmer who now resided on the farm with him, until he becomes twenty years of age. The said two girls above mentioned and also the boy is to assist the said David Reid to work the farm as much as they shall be able.

The half of all the stock which I own on the farm I give and bequeath to my wife and the two girls Jean Reid and Christy Bell Reid my two daughters so long as they reside on the farm with the said David Reid, and if the said Jean Reid or Christy Bell Reid shall get married and leave the farm they shall not be entitled to take away any of the stock it is to remain on the farm with the said David Reid for the use & benefit of the farm.

I also bequeath to David Reid my son One Hundred dollars in cash for to assist him i n building a new House for himself, and whatever money I shall have after paying David Reid his hundred dollars shall be divided as follows, one third to Jean Reid my daughter and two thirds to my wife.

I also ordain and appoint my wife Nancy Reid and Jean Reid to be my  Executrixes of this my last Will and testament.

In testimony whereof I have hereto Set my hand and Seal, and publish and declare this to be my last Will and testament in the presence of the witnesses named below, this second day of March, in the year One thousand Eight hundred and Eighty nine.

Signed           James Reid      L.S.

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said James Reid as and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

Signed       ----  Robert McGregor
    "         ---- Alexander Chisholm

County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate of Wills ie.

I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of two pages, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of James Reid late of Big Island Merigomish, in the County of Pictou, Farmer, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court.

Given under my hand at Pictou this 16th. day of July A.D. 1891.
John H. Lane  Registrar

To the Registrar of Deeds
for the County of Pictou

No Stamp

Province of Nova Scotia,
Registrar of Deeds Office, County of Pictou, 15th. Sept  1891  I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 2 PM of the above day in the Registry of Wills Book No. 2, pages 184 & 185  on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr. of Probate.

John Ferguson   Registrar

File Location

Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf

File number: 15W - 3249R
Contributor:    Judy Cormier | View all submissions
Tags: James Reid of Big Island, Farmer, David Reid, Jean Reid, Nancy Bell Reid, Nancy Reid, Alexander Robertson, 1889, Robert McGregor, Alexander Chisholm, 1891
Views: 687
Uploaded on: December 2, 2016
Source: Allan Slaunwhite

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