Estate of Duncan McKaracher late of New Glasgow, Merchant, deceased, Testate
Copy of Assignment of Dower for Registrar of Deeds
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate, 1881
In the matter of the Estate of Duncan McKaracher, late of New Glasgow, in the County of Pictou, Merchant, deceased, intestate.
The following lots, pieces or parcels of land were assigned and set off to Annie McKaracher Widow of the said intestate, as and for her thirds and right of dower, in and upon the Real estate of the said deceased, by virtue of a warrant issuing out of this Court, dated the 27th. of November 1880, ad addressed to John McDougall, Angus McQueen, and Peter Campbell, all of New Glasgow and freeholders in the County, whose return in the premises is dated 17th. December 1880.
First, All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate lying and being near New Glasgow and bounded as follows,
“Beginning at a Stake and Stones on he South edge of the Coal brook, so called, and on the Northeast margin of the road leading from New Glasgow to the Marsh, thence North forty seven degrees East two chains and twelve links of Alexander Forbes’ west line, thence on said line South forty three degrees East nine chains and forty four links, thence South forty seven degrees West, two chains and twelve links to the Northeast margin of said road, thence along said road North forty three degrees West nine chains and forty four links to the place of beginning containing two acres more of lefs.
Second, Also that certain other lot of land, adjoining the lands hereinbefore described Beginning at the certain point being on the South Western line of the lands of the said Alexander Forbes, being also the Western angle of the said hereinbefore described lands, and running from thence by the magnet on the said West line o the said lands, South forty two and a half degrees East nine chains and thirty seven ad a half links to the eastern angle of the said described lands, thence North forty seven and a half degrees East two chains and fifty links to the northeastern line of lands of said Alexander Forbes, thence on the said line, north, forty two and a half degrees West, nine chains, and thirty seven and a half links, thence north forty seven and a half degrees West, two chains ad fifty links, to the place of beginning, containing two acres, and fifty five square rods, more or lefs.
Third, Also that certain piece or parcel of land, situate lying and being at Vale Colliery and bounded as follows, Beginning on the South side of main road leaving from Sutherland’s River, through said Vale Colliery towards of New Glasgow and at a point distant in a course North sixty five degrees West sixty eight feet from the eastern limits of Inverness Street and running thence South twenty five degrees East, One hundred feet, thence North Sixty five East or parallel to said main road forty fet, thence North twenty five degrees West, One hundred feet and thence South Sixty five degrees West, or along the Southern limits of said Main rad forty feet to the place of beginning.”
I do hereby certify that the foregoing transcripts marked 1, 2 & 3 are true copies of the said lots respectively set off and assigned by the foregoing commissioners to Annie C. McKaracher, Widow of the said Duncan McKaracher, as her reasonable thirds or dower, in the real estate of the said Duncan McKaracher, the same having been confirmed by a decree of the Judge of Probate of this County, dated this 10th. day of January A.D. 1881.
Given under my hand at Pictou this 10th. day of January A.D. 1881.
John H. Lane Registrar
To John Ferguson, Esqr.
The Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
No Stamp
Province of Nova Scotia, Registrar of Deeds
Office, County of Pictou, 1st. March 1881 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 4 PM of the above day in the registry of Wills Book NO 1, pages 85 & 86 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr.
John Ferguson Regr
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2543M |
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Tags: | late Duncan McKaracher of New Glsgow, Merchant, 1881, Annie C. McKaracher, Widow, 1880, John McDougall of New Glasgow, Angus McQueen of New Glasgow, Peter Campbell of New Glasgow, Alexander Forbes |
Views: | 694 |
Uploaded on: | November 24, 2016 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |