Description MacKinnon Family

MacKinnon Family


Hector MacKinnon and Mysie MacEachrane, his wife, were born and brought up in the Parish of Killean, County of Argyll, Lordship of Kintyre, Scotland.  They arrived in Pictou, Nova Scotia on the ship Harmony in the summer of 1822.

Hector and Mysie had nine children:  James, Hugh, John, Hector, Nancy, Catherine, Mary, Jane and Marjory.

  1. James, son of Hector and Mysie, built and sailed his own ship. Appointed Harbour Master of Port of Pictou, June 10, 1873.  Married --- MacEachrane.  Their family: Hector, Hugh, James Alexander Wiley,

Hector, died unmarried; Hugh murdered at sea when second mate of the Windsor ship Lucania in 1880s. James Alexander Wiley, born in Pictou, NS on February 11, 1866, died Durango, Colorado on November 29, 1928.  He married Cora Blanche Asseltine of Great Falls, Montreal, born in Kingston, Ontario, April 1, 1877.  Their family: Amy Bell, George Edward, Mysie,

Amy Bell was born in Melrose, Minnesota on December 1, 1909.

George Edward was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on April 22, 1906.  He married Elizabeth Davis, of Storrs, Connecticut

(There is more to this line, contact McCulloch House Museum)

Mysie married Harry MacDonald of Pugwash, NS.  Their family: Anna Grimison, Claire, and Mayme.

(There is more to this line, contact McCulloch House Museum)

  1. Hugh son of Hector & Mysie married Sarah Robley of Pictou, NS. He died in his own ship, the     Catherine Jane, May 18, 1864 of smallpox.  Buried at Seaview Cemetery, Pictou, NS.  Hugh and Sarahs children:  Mysie, Cassie, James William,

Mysie, unmarried, died 1937.

Cassie, unmarried, died 1948.

James William, (Jay) married Lina Herrit, Pictou, NS.  Lina died in California and James died in Pictou in 1938.  They had one son, Hugh, who died in California in 1947.

Anna married Captain Peter Graham, New Glasgow, died in 1878 leaving one daughter Bessie who married Herman Ross, Pictou, NS. Bessie and Herman had two daughters, Anna, unmarried, died 1950 and Jean who married Clarence N. Earle.  Jean and Clarence had six children.

(There is more to this line, contact McCulloch House Museum)

John, son of Hector and Mysie, married Mary Langille, Tatamagouche.  Owned his own ship, died at   age 38, leaving one son, John, who married Martha Terry, Tatamagouche.  Their family:  James, Catherine, Jennie, Alexander, Mary, John, John Gordon, Annie, Caroline, Margaret and Frank.

(There is more to this line, contact McCulloch House Museum)

Mary (Minnie) married Noah Jollimore.  Their family:  Myrtle married Keith Bonnyman and had Blair Francis, Eric and Elizabeth.

John died in infancy.

John Gordon married Eva Tattrie.  Their children:  Beatrice who married Fred Weatherbie and had family.

(There is more to this line, contact McCulloch House Museum)

Annie married Victor Stevenson of Brule.  Their family:  Dorothea married Rev. Charles Foote and had family.

(There is more to this line, contact McCulloch House Museum)

Caroline (Carrie) married James Turner, Eliot, Maine, died 1956.  One daughter, Hazel married Glenwood Allen, their family:  Bruce, Karen, Jefferson.

Margaret (Maggie) married Roy L. Carter, Londonderry, NS.  No children.

Frank married Lilly Stevenson, Tatamagouche, NS, family:  Laurie married Frances Eddy



  1. Hector, son of Hector and Mysie, married first to --- Ross, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia and had James, John, Alex and Rachel. Hectors second marriage was to --- Grant and had Hugh, Catherine and William.

James married --- Smith, New Glasgow

John drowned in New York harbour in 1890s

Alex, Supt. Of Dredge Co., New York, 1920

Rachel married John MacGregor, living in Athol, Massachusetts, where her husband was president of Athol Twist Drill Company.  They have children, no details. 

Hugh and Catherine died at Loch Broom

William, married and living in Athol, Massachusetts.

  1. Nancy, daughter of Hector and Mysie, married William MacKenzie, a native of Argyll, Scotland, who came out in the same ship Harmony in 1822. Their family:  Alexander, James, Margaret, Hector, William, John Duncan, Hugh, Peter Alexander, Marjory (Mysie) Jean and Ann Catherine.

Alexander born August 13, 1825, died May 4, 1832.

James born March 13, 1829, died in Bath, Me. In 1860s, married Catherine Fraser of Pictou, NS.  They had one son, James William.

Margaret, 1829-1901 married first to Alonzo Jack and had one son, Alonzo.  Second marriage to Thomas B. Read, had one son, Thomas.

Hector, Shipmaster, 1831-1921 married Isabella MacKenzie (Ban) of Cariboo.  They had James William, Kenneth John, Anna Dawson and Daniel Seaforth.

James William married Gertrude MacLean of Annapolis.  James William died in 1948, retired Capt. Furness Withy Line.  No children.

Kenneth John, 1867-1886, was second mate on bark Bessie with his maternal uncle, James MacKenzie.

Anna Dawson, 1871-1891, died unmarried.

Daniel Seaforth, 1880-1938, sailed as Master in the Grace Line out of New York.

William, son of Nancy and William, born May 1, 1833, perished in a snow storm in Cariboo           River in 1851.  

                      John Duncan, son of Nancy and William. 1835-1915 married Anne MacAulay

Hugh, son of Nancy and William, 1838-1893, shipmaster, married Margaret Henderson, Cape John.  They had one daughter, Anna who died at 14.

Peter Alexander, son of Nancy and William, 1841-1913, married Catherine Ann MacSwain of PEI.  They adopted two English orphans in 1875, William and Elizabeth.  William died at 26 and Elizabeth married --- Stewart and died when 68.

Marjory (Mysie) Jean married Captain J. Thompson Carmichael.  Their family: James Thompson, Olive, Catherine, and Elizabeth.

James Thompson, shipmaster with Furness Withy Line, Died 1938.


Catherine married Mark Connors of Westville, Nova Scotia.  Their children

(There is more to this line, contact McCulloch House Museum)

Elizabeth (Bessie), married Herman Munro of Westville, no family.

Ann Catherine, daughter of Nancy and William, married George Fraser of Abercrombie.       Buried in Tacoma, Washington.  Their children: 

(There is more to this line, contact McCulloch House Museum)

Catherine, daughter of Hector and Mysie, married William Fraser.  They had six children:  Marmaduke, Howard, Alice, Norman, Catherine, Marjory and Elizabeth


      Marmaduke and Howard drowned on Goodwin Sands, England, when shipwrecked in ship

      Indian Chief in 1885.  Marmaduke was married to --- Hatfield, Yarmouth.


      Alice, a music teacher in New Glasgow, died in 1938.




Catherine married John Pugh, living in Puget Sound.  Their son, Fraser, drowned, S.S.    Princess Sophia, Alaska, 1923.


Marjory married --- Barclay, living in California.  No children.


Elizabeth married --- Wilkinson, living in Buenos Aires.


  1. Mary, daughter of Hector and Mysie, marred a MacKinnon and moved to Ontario. No details of family.


  1. Jane, daughter of Hector and Mysie married William Munro. Their family:  Mary, Miran, Hugh,

Mary married Captain John MacDonald.  No children.

Miran unmarried.

Hugh, sailmaker, married Belle Carson.  Their children: John, Janet, Mary, William, Russell and Millie.

John, married Dorothy MacKay.  Their family:  Joyce married George MacLean, living in Edson, Alta.; Lois, unmarried; Dorothy married A. L. MacLean, have two children, Heather and John; Millicent married L. E. Shatford.

Janet, married Adam Pringle.  Their children:  Belle, Jack and George.

(There is more to this line, contact McCulloch House Museum)

Mary, daughter of Hugh and Belle, married Melville MacKean.   Family: Ethel, Stewart, Gordon, Janet, Mildred.

Ethel married C.K. Fuller, Yarmouth, NS.  One daughter, Lorraine married Dr. Arthur Titus, Halifax and their son, Dr. Stewart C. Fuller married Barbara Phinney.

Stewart, Toronto, ON, married Margaret Jack

Gordon, Toronto, ON, married Nadia Srarich.  One son, John Andrew and one daughter, Janet Mary.

Janet, Pictou, NS

Mildred married F. R. Russell, New York. 

William, son of Hugh and Belle, married Mary MacLaren.  No details.

Russell, son of Hugh and Belle, drowned at Kirk picnic in 1891.  Age 14.

Millie, son of Hugh and Belle died young.


  1. Marjory, daughter of Hector and Mysie, married John Irvine.  Had family.  No details.

File number: 78-70c
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: MacAulay Family, MacKenzie Family, Killean, pioneers, emigrants, Argyll, Scotland, Pictou, Pictou County
Views: 1670
Uploaded on: November 4, 2016
Source: Captain Daniel MacAulay and Anne Murdoch Beebe

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