Description School Register, West Branch, River John, 1920

Pupils and the name and address of their parent or guardian. (West Branch unless otherwise stated).

  1. Ross Russell Rae, Mrs. James Rae
  2. Duncan Alexander Murray, Mr. Thomas Murray
  3. Sophia Marian Ross, Mrs. John R. Ross
  4. Marian Sutherland Campbell, Mr. Daniel Campbell
  5. Catherine Mae Sutherland, Mr. Murdoch Sutherland
  6. Jessie Blanche MacKay, Mr. John P. MacKay
  7. Isobel Ruth MacKay, Mr. John P. MacKay
  8. Jemima Elizabeth Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
  9. Hugh Daniel, Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
  10. Margaret Christine Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
  11. Hazel Irene Matheson, Mr. James Graham
  12. Georgina Margaret Fowler, Mr. Robert Fowler
  13. Thomas William Alfred Ross, Mr. J. W. Ross
  14. Marion Bessie Fowler, Mr. Robert Fowler
  15. Jack MacKenzie, Mr. David Munro
  16. Clifford D. Hamilton MacKay, Mrs. George Murray
  17. John Peter Sinclair MacKay, Mr. R. A. MacKay
  18. Murdoch Edison Sutherland, Mr. Murdoch Sutherland
  19. Effie Isobel Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
  20. Johnina Pearl MacKay, Mr. J. P. MacKay
  21. James Benjamin Ross, Mr. J. W. Ross
  22. Burdenia Jessie Rae, Mr. Burt. Rae
  23. Jean Eleanor McKenzie, Mr. R. McKenzie
  24. Catherine Libbie Fowler, Mr. Robert Fowler
  25. Roderick Roy McKenzie, Mr. R. McKenzie
  26. James William Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
  27. David James Harbourne, Mr. Thomas Harbourne
  28. Jessie Bella Fowler, Mr. Robert G. Fowler
  29. Evan Daniel Murray, Mr. Alexander Murray, Meadowville Station R.R.#1 N.S.
  30. Bessie Catherine MacIntosh, Mr. Charles A. MacIntosh, Loganville N.S.
  31. James George Baillie, Mr. George Baillie
  32. James William Ross, Mr. Finlay G. Ross
  33. William John Ross, Mr. Finlay G. Ross
  34. Daniel Ross, Mr. Finlay G. Ross

Teachers:  Mary Verna Dwyer and Ethel Annie Marie MacKay

Includes Record of Visitation 

File number: SRWBRJ1920
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: , students, class, age, children, birth date, year, month, day, enrollment, enrolled, grade, student, birthday
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Uploaded on: October 27, 2016

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