School Register, West Branch, River John, 1920
Pupils and the name and address of their parent or guardian. (West Branch unless otherwise stated).
- Ross Russell Rae, Mrs. James Rae
- Duncan Alexander Murray, Mr. Thomas Murray
- Sophia Marian Ross, Mrs. John R. Ross
- Marian Sutherland Campbell, Mr. Daniel Campbell
- Catherine Mae Sutherland, Mr. Murdoch Sutherland
- Jessie Blanche MacKay, Mr. John P. MacKay
- Isobel Ruth MacKay, Mr. John P. MacKay
- Jemima Elizabeth Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
- Hugh Daniel, Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
- Margaret Christine Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
- Hazel Irene Matheson, Mr. James Graham
- Georgina Margaret Fowler, Mr. Robert Fowler
- Thomas William Alfred Ross, Mr. J. W. Ross
- Marion Bessie Fowler, Mr. Robert Fowler
- Jack MacKenzie, Mr. David Munro
- Clifford D. Hamilton MacKay, Mrs. George Murray
- John Peter Sinclair MacKay, Mr. R. A. MacKay
- Murdoch Edison Sutherland, Mr. Murdoch Sutherland
- Effie Isobel Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
- Johnina Pearl MacKay, Mr. J. P. MacKay
- James Benjamin Ross, Mr. J. W. Ross
- Burdenia Jessie Rae, Mr. Burt. Rae
- Jean Eleanor McKenzie, Mr. R. McKenzie
- Catherine Libbie Fowler, Mr. Robert Fowler
- Roderick Roy McKenzie, Mr. R. McKenzie
- James William Ross, Mr. Kenneth Ross
- David James Harbourne, Mr. Thomas Harbourne
- Jessie Bella Fowler, Mr. Robert G. Fowler
- Evan Daniel Murray, Mr. Alexander Murray, Meadowville Station R.R.#1 N.S.
- Bessie Catherine MacIntosh, Mr. Charles A. MacIntosh, Loganville N.S.
- James George Baillie, Mr. George Baillie
- James William Ross, Mr. Finlay G. Ross
- William John Ross, Mr. Finlay G. Ross
- Daniel Ross, Mr. Finlay G. Ross
Teachers: Mary Verna Dwyer and Ethel Annie Marie MacKay
Includes Record of Visitation