Description John D MacDonald

Hector M'Lean, Nov 1874

Laurencetown, Annapolis Co. December 5th, 1874

Mr John D. McDonald

Dear Friend

I suppose this will find you in the middle of an Election excitement  Do you remember telling me on Mrs Fish's platform last autumn that "that local Government was bound to come down"?  I did not quite agree with you then ; but I do know.   I do not believe that the old memberships for this country would poll Ten votes should they be insane enough to offer their services on Thursday next.  There is to be a public meeting held in Bridgetown today to bring out two men (independent of their old political inclinations) "to do the best in their power for Nova Scotia in general and Annapolis County in particular:  to support neither the present government nor the oppositions; but to help to form the best possible Government when the new House meets"  I think probably "Award Longly" and "R.B. Miracke" will be the men – you will be surprised to hear that my Fatherinlaw has been doing all in his power to get support for Longly ever since the dissolution – I must not omit to tell you  that "Mr Miracke" is quite a reformed man – has not tasted liquor for three years – Tom Chesley and one or more other fanatics may put the county to the expense of an election but if Longly & Miracke are nominated today any oppositions to them will be utterly hopeless –

I cannot tell you anything about the other Western Counties.  Indeed the time is so short that we have no opportunity to learn what is going on anywhere.  

We would like very much to know what is going on in Pictou – will you be kind enough to drop me a note as soon as convenient and give me an idea of what you are doing.  I fear that Colchester is 

File number: 79-13k
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Hector MacLean, Hector McLean, election, 79-13
Views: 579
Uploaded on: October 25, 2016
Source: Mrs A P Frame and Lillian M Johnstone

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