Hugh M'pherson to Alexander M'pherson
Province of Nova Scotia} Registration Office Pictou April 7th 1840 I do Ceritfy tht the within Instrument was Registered at 12 O Clock A M of the above day in Libr 24 Folio 13 on the Certificate of David Crichton Mgs pursuant to Law
Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar
This Indenture Between Hugh M'Pherson of the West River in the County of Pictou farmer of the one part and Alexander M'Pherson of the same place of the other part Witnesseth that the said Hugh M'Pherson in consideration of twenty pounds current money of Nova Scotia paid him by said Alexander M'Pherson Hath bargained and sold and by these presents Doth bargain and sell unto said Alexander M'Pherson his Heirs and Assigns a certain Lot of Land Viz. Beginning on the Western bank of said West River at the Southwestern angle of land granted to a certain Alexander Stuart thence running North forty five degrees West sixty three chains thence South forty five degrees West seven chains thence South forty five degrees East Sixty six chains thence down stream unto the place of beginning containing forty five acres more or less. To Have and To Hold the same to the said Alexander M'Pherson his Heirs and Assigns for his and their use forever.
In witness whereof the said Hugh M'Pherson hath, hereunto put his hand and set his seal this ninth day of March in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and forty.
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of us Alexander Murray (signature) Alexander Campbell (signature)} Hugh M'Pherson (his mark)
Received from Alexander M'pherson the full consideration money in the fore going Indenture
Witness Alexander Campbell (signature)} Hugh M'Pherson (his mark)
Pictou --* } Personally appeared before me one of Her Majgestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou Alexander Murray a subscribing witness to the within Instrument who being by me examined delcared that he was the said Alex executed for the purposes within mentioned
Pictou April 7th 1840 David Crichton JP (signature)} Alexander Murray
File number: | 17D-11414M |
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Tags: | MacPherson, MacPherson, M'Pherson, M'pherson, document, legal, receipt, monies, Alexander Murry |
Views: | 718 |
Uploaded on: | October 7, 2016 |