Description Farms and Farmers of Pictou County

Farms and Farmers of Pictou County.

(Westville Free Lance.)

Mount Thom District.

Thomas W. McKay—

The last farm property in Pictou County on the upper road to Truro, was originally the Thomas Robinson property. Alexander McKay, who was born on the property near the school house, then owned by his father, Andrew McKay, and now occupied by Andrea, son of Alexander, married Sarah, daughter of Thomas Robinson, and acquired the property. Alexander McKay was a respected elder of Coldstream church, and for years served his section as municipal councillor. He died in 1917 at the age of 76 years, his wife dying at the age of 68 years. They have of family: Andrew, at Mt. Thom; Alexander D., dead; Mary, married to John Gordon, Glengarry; Margaret, married to Regia D. McGillivray, Mt. Thom; Sadie married to Robert Loudsburgh, Mt. Thom, Col. Co.; one boy died in infancy; Thomas W., married Matilda C., daughter of Daniel Sinclair, Mt. Thom. They have two daughters living - Sarah Helen, Isabella May, both home; one daughter, Matilda E., died when an infant.

The farm consists of 250 acres, with 70 acres clear, 25 acres in cultivation.  Average crop: 250 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of wheat, 30 tons of hay, 200 bushels potatoes, 100 bushels turnips. Stock: 12 head cows, 6 milkers; 12 sheep, 3 horses, 2 pigs.

Alexander McKay (Blacksmith)

George McKay, who came from Sutherland's Mill, first settled on this property in 1803. He died in 1867 at the age of 72 years.  His family were: Alexander, settled on property; George, first settled on part of property, later moved toward Truro, where he died; Margaret was married to Hector McKay, Lower Mt. Thom; Elizabeth and Isabella married and moved to P.E.I.; Sarah, married to David Creighton, Mount. Thom. 

Alexander McKay married Catherine McNeven, of P.E.I. They had of family: John, Mt. Thom; Charles, Toney River; George, Toney River; Roderick in Colorado; Alexander, on the farm; Andrew, in Washington; Neil, killed while serving in the United States army in Spanish-American war; Jane, married to Hugh Reid, Mt. Thom; Flora, married to George Morris, Boston; Margaret, married to William Campbell, Truro; Clara, married to Johnson Elliott, Toney River Shore.

Alexander McKay, B.S., married to Emma Stewart, Lower Mt. Thom. They have four children. Stewart, on the farm; Andrew, commercial traveller for a Quebec firm; Maude and Mary at home.

There are 300 acres in property, 100 acres cleared, 35 acres under cultivation. Crop: 300 bushels oats, 30 bushels wheat, 20 bushels buckwheat, 30 tons hay, 200 bushels potatoes, 200 bushels turnips.  Stock: 12 head cattle, 5 milkers, 30 sheep, 3 horses.  Besides farming Mr. McKay carries on a blacksmith business, being a first class workman. 

Andrew McKay—

This is part of the McKay grant taken up by Andrew, grandfather of present owner. His wife was Johanna Corbett. Mrs. McKay died in 1891, at the age of 72 years; Andrew McKay died in 1900 at the ripe age of 92 years. Of his family: Alexander, settled on property; William, went to California; John, in California; Daniel, settled at River John; Wilemina, was married to Grant Iriving, Mt. Thom. She is now living in California. Margaret died at Halifax; Lizzie, married Hugh McCulloch, Mt. Thom, now living in Halifax; David, in California.

Andrew McKay opened first post office at Upper Mt. Thom, and the office is still there. Andrew, the present owner, married Isabella, daughter of David Sutherland, Mt. Thom. They have one child. Mr. McKay was away when the reporter called, and so we cannot give any farm report. 

Joseph Creighton—

This property was first settled by Samuel Creighton, who came out from Dumfries. His family, some of whom were born in the old country were: Margaret, married to Matheson Allan, New Annan, Col. Co., Agnes, married to John Oliver, New Annan; Jane, married to David McKenzie, Saltsprings; Andrew, settled on home property, and married Sarah, daughter of Donald Smith, one of first settlers in those parts. Their family were: Samuel, settled on property; William Andrew, who died on property five years ago; Janet, married to David McLean, Stellarton, died in Moosejaw, Sask., a few years ago; Daniel Duncan, died when 25 years of age; Mary Ann at home; Sarah Jane married to John Bezanson, Stewiacke, Col. Co., Samuel, married Mary, daughter of Thomas Robinson, Mt. Thom. Their son, Andrew, now owns the property. He is unmarried.

There are 100 acres in property, 60 cleared, 10 acres under cultivation. He also owns old Donald Smith property of 100 acres, 50 cleared, 15 acres cultivated. Crop, 100 bushels oats, 20 tons hay, 100 bushels potatoes, 50 bushels turnips. Stock: 11 head of cattle, 7 milkers; 2 horses, 15 sheep.

Stanley C. Fraser—

There are 150 acres in this property 80 acres cleared, 30 acres under cultivation. Average crop yield: 250 bushels oats, 30 bushels wheat, 20 tons hay, 150 bushels potatoes, 100 bushels turnips. Stock: 10 head cattle - 6 milkers, 12 sheep, 2 horses.

Manis Fraser, father of present owner, married Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh McKay, Mt. Thom. They had of family: Alexander McKay, died in 1914; Annie, married to Daniel J. McKay, Truro; Sarah, married to Cameron Watters, New Glasgow; Georgeina, married to George Cunningham, Mt. Thom; John A., New Glasgow; William O., at West River Station; Stanley C., on the farm.

John Wm. F. Sinclair—

John Sinclair came out from Caithnesshire, Scotland, with his wife and two children, John and Elizabeth, and settled here in 1830. John died at home and Elizabeth married and moved to Upper Canada.  John Sinclair was twice married, his second wife being Abigail, daughter of Donald Smith. By the second marriage there were the following children: Daniel, settled on home property; William, settled at Salmon River, Col. Co.; Hugh went to Montana; Catherine died years ago; James Duncan, Saltsprings; Christy Ann, married to Howard Chaplain, Musquodoboit; John went to Western States.

Daniel married Isabella, daughter of Alexander Fraser, Watervale. They had the following family: Mary Bell, married to Robert J. Fraser, West Side, New Glasgow; Margaret Ann, married to William McLeod, Watervale; Matilda C., married to Thomas W. McKay, Mt. Thom; Christena B., married to Simon Fraser, West River Station; Alexander Albert, Watervale; John W. F., on the farm, unmarried; Daniel, out west, who served overseas with the C. E. F. 

Daniel Sinclair died a few years ago. He was known far and near as a big hearted man.  He had a kind word, welcome smile and warm heart for everybody and especially for the stranger.  No one called at this house and went away without sup or bite, and if it was night when the visitor called he was sure to receive a pressing invitation to stay until morning.  The writer has more than once been the recipient of his hospitality and on his recent visit to the Sinclair homestead he sadly missed the warm hand clasp, the cherry welcome of the whole souled and large hearted Daniel though Mrs. Sinclair spared no pains in providing for our comfort. Indeed all through life Mrs. Sinclair vied with her much lamented husband in making the visitor's stay a pleasant one. Mrs. Sinclair is now 80 years of age and in the enjoyment of fair health. 

There are 160 acres in the farm. 100 acres cleared, 40 acres under cultivation. Average crop: 350 bushels oats, 80 bushels wheat, 30 bushels buckwheat, 60 tons hay, 300 bushel potatoes, 200 bushels turnips. Stock: 20 head cattle, 6 milkers; 25 sheep, 4 horses, 2 pigs.

John Cameron—

The old Cameron grant taken up by John Cameron's grandfather, embraced about 400 acres and took in the next property, now owned by John McCulloch. Of the Cameron family, Hugh went to the States; James is living at Tatamagouche; Alexander settled on the property; Eliza as married to John McKenze, Mt. Thom; Isabella, married to Daniel McCulloch, Mt. Thom. Alexander married Jane McKay, Mt. Thom. They had four children: Hugh, George, Elizabeth, John; the latter is the only one now living. He is unmarried.

There are 150 acres, 60 cleared, 25 acres cultivated. Average crop: 100 bushels of oats, 10 bushels of buckwheat, 20 tons of hay, 80 bushels of potatoes. Mr. Cameron does not farm extensively, and last year he sold off his stock, at present keeping only one horse. He informed the writer that last year he sold to the butcher a cow and six weeks old calf, and that calf weighed, dressed, 135 lbs. 

John McCulloch—

This is part of the old Cameron property. The present owner has been on it about 17 years. The McCulloch homestead is on the Cove Road, now owned by Hugh McCulloch, William McCulloch, father of John, married Elizabeth Cameron. They had of family: Annie, married to David Cameron, Mt. Thom; Alexander, Saltsprings; Kenneth Hugh, on home property; John, who married Evelyn J., daughter of Hugh Cameron, Mt. Thom. Mr. McCulloch had the misfortune to lose his wife over a year ago, and he is left with four children: Seymour Leonard, William Harold, Charlotte Elizabeth, Eveline Christena.

The farm covers 120 acres, 60 of which is cleared, and 25 under cultivation. Crops average: 250 bushels of oats, 200 bushels of wheat, 10 bushels of buckwheat, 20 tons of hay, 200 bushels of potatoes, 200 bushels of turnips. Stock: 7 head of cattle, 6 milkers; 9 sheep, 3 horses.

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File number: PA21011921p2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Andrea McKay, Andrew McKay, Sarah Robinson, Sarah McKay, Thomas W McKay, Elizabeth McKay, Elizabeth McKinnon, Mary McKay, Mary Gordon, Margaret McKay, Margaret McGillivray, Sadie McKay, Sadie Loudsburgh, Matilda C Sinclair, Matilda C McKay, Sarah Helen McKay, Isabella May McKay, Matilda E MacKay, Isabella McKay, Prince Edward Island, PEI, Sarah McKay, Sarah Creighton, Catherine McKay, John McKay, Charles McKay, George McKay, Roderick McKay, Neil McKay, Jane McKay, Jane Reid, Flora McKay, Flora Morris, Margaret Campbell, Clara McKay, Clara Elliott, Emma McKay, Back Settlement, Stewart McKay, Maude McKay, Mary McKay, Johanna McKay, William McKay, Daniel McKay, Wilemina Irving, Wilemina McKay, Lizzie McKay, Lizzie McCulloch, David McKay, Isabella Sutherland, Dumfrieshire, Scotland, Margaret Creighton, Margaret Allan, Colchester County, Agnes Creighton, Agnes Oliver, Jane Creighton, Jane McKenzie, Andrew Creighton, Sarah Smith, Samuel Creighton, Andrew Creighton, William Andrew Creighton, Janet Creighton, Janet McLean, Saskatchewan, Daniel Duncan Creighton, Mary Ann Creighton, Sarah Jane Creighton, Mary Creighton, Mary Robinson, Andrew Robinson, Elizabeth Fraser, Alexander McKay Fraser, Annie Fraser, Annie McKay, Sarah Fraser, Sarah Watters, Georgeina Fraser, Georgeina Cunningham, John A McKay, William O. McKay, Elizabeth Sinclair, Abigail Smith, Abigail Sinclair, Daniel Sinclair, William Sinclair, Catherine Sinclair, James Duncan Sinclair, Christy Ann Sinclair, Christy Ann Chaplain, John Sinclair, Isabella Fraser, Isabella Sinclair, Mary Bell Sinclair, Mary Bell Fraser, Margaret Ann Sinclair, Margaret Ann McLeod, Matilda C. Sinclair, Matilda C. McKay, Christena B. Sinclair, Christena B. Fraser, Alexander Albert Sinclair, John W. F. Sinclair, Daniel Sinclair, Hugh Cameron, James Cameron, Alexander Cameron, Eliza Cameron, Eliza McKenzie, Isabella Cameron, Isabella McCulloch, Jane Cameron, George Cameron, Elizabeth Cameron, John Cameron, Elizabeth McCulloch, Annie McCulloch, Annie Cameron, Alexander McCulloch, Kenneth Hugh McCulloch, John McCulloch, Evelyn Cameron, Evelyn McCulloch, Seymour Leonard McCulloch, William Harold McCulloch, Charlotte Elizabeth McCulloch, Eveline Christena McCulloch
Views: 2422
Uploaded on: October 4, 2016
Source: Pictou Advocate

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