Description Will of Charles McIntosh of Piedmont Valley, Pictou Co., NS


Will of Charles McIntosh, deceased

Certified Copy for Reg of Deeds

Know all men by these present that I Charles McIntosh of Piedmont Valley in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia Farmer, being of sound and disposing mind and memory do make publish and declare this is my last will and testament as follows,

First I give devise and bequeath to my wife Christy McIntosh all and every part of my real Estate consisting of the farm on which I now reside as described by deed and also the property known as the Wagonins farm consisting of seventy acres more or less as described by deed together with all the buildings appurtenances to the same belonging

2nd. I give and bequeath to my said wife Christy McIntosh all my personal estate consisting of stock implements Bank accounts stocks and all property of every description the said above real estate and personal property to be to used for the use and benefit of the said Christy McIntosh during the term of her natural life afterwards all without reserve to become the property of my son Thomas Robert McIntosh

3rd. I provide and enjoin the above named Christy McIntosh and Thomas Robert McIntosh that my beloved daughter Annie Jean McIntosh shall be provided with a home until married or until she all attained the age of twenty years and that she be sent to school as convenient up to the age of fifteen years.

4th. I hereby constitute and appoint my son Thomas Robert McIntosh and my friend James A McDonald of Piedmont Valley to be the executors of this my last Will and Testament to carry out my wishes and desires as therein expressed.

Given under my hand at Piedmont Valley in the County of Pictou this twenty sixth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred.

Signed Charles McIntosh

Signed published and declared as and for his last Will and Testament by Charles McIntosh in the presence of us at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.

(Sgd) D.W. McMillan
(Sgd) James A. McDonald

County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate of Wills

In the Estate of Charles McIntosh Deceased

I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of Charles McIntosh late of Piedmont Valley in the County of Pictou Farmer deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the first day of November AD 1910.

Witness my hand at Pictou aforesaid this 1st. day of November AD 1910..
John D. MacLeod Registrar


PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA, REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Office, County of Pictou, MAR 4 1911 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 11 AM of the above day in Book 5, page 10 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg

John Yorston Registrar.

File Location

Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf

File number: 15W - 2489M
Contributor:    Judy Cormier | View all submissions
Tags: Charles McIntosh of Piedmont Valley, Farmer, Christy McIntosh, Wagonins Farm, Thomas Robert McIntosh, Annie Jean McIntosh, James A. McDonald, 1900, D.W. McMillan, 1910, 1911
Views: 659
Uploaded on: October 3, 2016
Source: Allan Slaunwhite

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