Description Eastern Chronicle

Old Newspapers. -- We have in our possession the first volume of the old Colonial Patriot, a paper published in Pictou, in the year 1828, and we intend occasionally making some extracts from its pages which we believe will be found interesting to our readers.  The Patriot was conducted with much ability, and numbered among its contributors, men who have left behind them names which are interwoven with the early history of this county - indeed we might almost say, of Nova Scotia.  The late Jotham Blanchard, who was one of the earliest, ablest, and most unflinching advocates of Responsible Government in this Province, gave expression to his sentiments on various questions of importance through its columns, and we believe subsequently became the de facto editor. We have this week only room for a single extract.  Among the marriages notices in the No. of 20th April 1828, we find the following:

MARRIED, at Dalhousie, U.C. Messrs, George and James Brown, of Scotland, to Miss Margaret Lambie, and Margaret Park.  The intended marriage of James, induced George to try his luck at matrimony, to escape the fate of being compelled to dance in his stocking feet, for allowing his young brother to get wedded before him.  He accordingly successfully wooed Miss Park, and they were married the same day.  There were 130 persons, and 3 fiddlers, at the celebration of this rural, double treaty. 

File Location

vault, microfilm #6, #43

File number: EC28051861p2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Margaret Brown, George Brown, marriage 1828, tradition, Scottish tradition, custom, belief, marriage custom, Lambie, Park, Brown, Upper Canada
Views: 644
Uploaded on: September 24, 2016
Source: Eastern Chronicle

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