Description Roland Sherwood April 18 1979

Pictou Advocate, Wed., April 18. 1979- (Sec. B) ONE

Roland Sherwood’s

Pictou Parade



                Back in the days of the many taverns in Pictou, every bartender had to be a man of great knowledge concerning the events of the day.  He was in a good position to get all the news and the gossip because, over mugs of rum, such things as sports, ships, fights, women and work were discussed.  All caught the listening ears of the bartender.  With such knowledge they could always settle arguments that came up when rum-drinking pals were on the verge of bashing the heads of each other over some trivial thing. 

                Even in the one tavern we have today, there are many arguments between friends, and much local news is talked over, so that those who are the bar-keeps are pretty well informed on what is going on about the town.  Not all of the information, of course, could be printed, but still makes juicy items as the beers are consumed and re—ordered. 



It will soon be time for Summer opening of McCulloch House which has proven great attraction since it was officially opened by princess Alexandria in July of 1973, at which time the Princess also officially opened Hector Exhibit Center.  McCulloch House was built by, or for, Rev. Thomas McCulloch, Pictou’s Pioneer educator. A Rev.  Fraser secured the property, and sold to the late Murdock McCuish in 1934.  Mrs. McCuish sold the property to the Nova Scotia Government in 1972.  In connection with that historic home, Mrs. McCuish was honored by the Board of Trustees of the Hector Center Trust who, “Hereby admits Mrs. Murdock E.  McCuish to Honourary Life Membership in the Society, with all its associated rights, benefits and privileges in appreciation of her and her family’s long-standing efforts to preserve their home as a public memorial to its first owner, Rev. Dr. Thomas McCulloch.”

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Vault Roland Sherwood File

File number: 01-597.14F
Contributor:    Kimberly Macphee | View all submissions
Tags: McCulloch, Princess Alexandria, Murdock McCuish, Roland Sherwood, Pictou
Views: 674
Uploaded on: September 21, 2016

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