Description Years Ago

Years Ago


Items of interest taken from the Pictou Advocate 77 years ago:

The three-masted schooner ‘Evadne’ ___ launched at River John by MC.H. McLennan’s lying at the Railway Wharf loaded with coal for Saint John, N.B., and unless less mild weather comes in a day or so, this new vessel may be detained in port all winter.  The ‘Evadne’ is pronounced by shipping mean to be the finest vessel of her ___ ever launched in this country.  She is 360 ___ registered, 133 feet over all, 34 ft. beam and hold. 


Items of interest taken from the Pictou Advocate 67 years ago

Two patrols of Boy Scouts have been launched in Pictou, one in the East End and in the West End.  There are seven Scouts in the patrol.  All the boys are still ‘tender.’



Items of interest taken from the Pictou Advocate 42 years ago:

At a meeting of the United Church congregation held on Wednesday evening with D.B. Scott as chairman it was decided to purchase an electric organ, at a cost of $1950 installed.



Items of interest taken from the Pictou Advocate 27 years ago:

A Garden Club has been formed at Lyons Brook with Mrs J. Logan McInnis as president and Mrs Clyde MacDonald as secretary- treasurer.


File Location

Vault Roland Sherwood File

File number: 01-597.13I
Contributor:    Kimberly Macphee | View all submissions
Tags: Pictou, C.H. MacLennan, D.B Scott, J. Logan McInnes, Clyde MacDonald
Views: 748
Uploaded on: September 21, 2016

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