Description Roland Sherwood's Pictou Parade


When a recent item in the Advocate mentioned that the recently opened Golden Boat Restaurant was the fist Chinese restaurant in Pictou, it set the Advocate phone to ring to call attention to other Chinese restaurants since located in the Shiretown.
The first Chinese restaurant was operated by Sam Wong a resected citizen of the town, and they only Chinese to date to own property and to reside in town. Sam’s restaurant was in operation in 1922, and was located just about where the Hindi shop os now established.

Other Chinese restaurants were, The Corner Café, operated by Little Joe, as he was known, locally, which was located directly across Front Street from the new portion of the Scotia Bank. The was a large wooden building there at the time, commonly called, “The Maitland Building” of which the Corner Café, operated by the Chinese who was known by not other then, “Jim.” That restaurant was on Front Street in a part of a structure known as the MacLean Building, or in one close to the McLean building. That was located just about where the now vacant Eaton street, was Walkers Restaurant,” located in the new vacant spot west of the Union Hall. The man who operated that eating place was a Chinese a, and only known in Pictou as Walker.”


Volunteers have been working levelling the ball field at the Pictou Community Recreation Center field, and in erecting and painting the surrounding fence, which givers at once right appearance a new and attractive look. What will happen to the smooth field when the Carnival is set up here is anyone’s guess, but it is expected that the show people will respect the property.
Now, if something could be done with the grounds in front of the center, where bands and majorettes preformed during the carnival, it certainly would improve the look of the area, and be much easier on the marchers’ feet. Maybe something will be done maybe plans are in the making for improvements. I hope so!!


For Jotham Blanchard Day, Wednesday June 28, I am planning a mini parade, so distance to march, as I hope to star the parade at the Kinsmen Hall, (the old Legion Hall on George Street at 2 p.m. The parade will go to the Pictou Community Recreational Centre grounds, where each of the units in the parade, such as Brownies, Girl Guides, Centrettes, will give a demonstration to show the public what they can do.

I also hope to feature a “Granny Dress” parade for the girls not a doll carriage parade, but girls in the various “Granny Dress” which should be attractive. Something too will be planned for the boys.

In the meantime, think of “Jotham Blanchard Day” on June 28, as the start of a special day to be announced each year to honour the memory of a man who was one of the great men in the history of Pictou Town.
I’d be glad to hear from persons with ideas that could be incorporate in the show.


In an article I wrote concerning Scots burn, I failed to make clear that the following inscription, “Erected to the glory pf God in memory of those who served and worshipped in Hermon Church between 1865-1949” was not on the cairn at the Scotsburn commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Institute at Scotsburn in 1913. That inscription is on a cairn at Millville.
The plaque at Scotsburn has this inscription; “Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Women’s Institute of Nova Scotia at Scotsburn, 1913- 1963.”


In the days gone by, the fishermen referred to the haddocks as one with the “Devils Thumbs” imprinted upon the fish. This was because the under body of that fish has blackened imprints that look like thumb marks.


Even before the first Pictou Academy (known as the Old School) was built on Church street, where the Historic Sites Monument is located, Jotham Blanchard was a student in the fist class, which in 1817, was conducted in one end of the house of Peter Crerar, the other side of being occupied by Rev. John McKinley.


Joseph Howe told us that a wise nation preserves it records. We do our best to help.
By Roland H. Sherwood (D. Litt)
Historical Writer

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File number: 01-597.10b
Contributor:    Kimberly Macphee | View all submissions
Tags: Roland sherwood, Pictou, Sam wong, Jotham Blanchard, Rev. John MacKinley, Joseph Howe
Views: 951
Uploaded on: September 14, 2016

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