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Description Crerar Papers

Pictou, February 2nd, 1825

I Henry Hatton do agree to give up all my claim against Benjamin Stevens of Ramsheg up to this date.  The terms of which are that the said Benjamin Stevens does hereby agree to take a lease from me of the farm where on he now resides belonging to me as per Chancery Deed bearing date 25th Day of October 1824 for the term of two years at the rate of Fifteen Pounds cur per annum and that he the said Benjamin Stevens will give up the possession of the said farm peaceably and quietly at the expriation of the said two years.  The rent to be paid yearly.  I also agree to let the said Benjamin Stevens have the said farm on his paying me the whole amount of his debt due and interest on the same debt due me as per mortgage foreclosed last year.  If paid before the expiration of the said two years from this date the lease to be as date from this date.

Hen. Hatton

I accept of the above and oblige myself to perform my part thereof. 

Benj. Stevens

Witnesses present

John* B. Davison

File Location

vault, original material, box #18

File number: 98-67d
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: quit claim deed, agreement, contract, Stevens, 98-67
Views: 622
Uploaded on: September 7, 2016
Source: David Crerar

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