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Description Crerar Papers

Pictou, 14th August 1874

To John Crerar, Esquire.

Dear Sir,

We the undersigned inhabitants of Pictou having learned that you are about to take up your residence in Britain desire to convey to you our regret at the prospect of your early removal from among us - a regret which we feel assured is shared in by the entire community in which your life to the present time has been spent.

From our association with you in the several relations of life whether of business or social intercourse, we cannot allow that you should leave us without expressing our high appreciation of your many estimable qualities as displayed in your walk and conduct during the many years you have resided in this community.

In the commercial history of this town during the past quarter of a century your name will always be associated with the development and progress of its trade to the prosperity and growth of which your exertions and enterprise as a merchant and ship owner have materially contributed.  As a member of society, we have at all times recognised and will undoubtedly miss the valuable and material aid which you have at all times freely given to promote the social, moral and religious interests of the community.

Please convey to Mrs. Crerar and family our sincere wishes that health happiness and prosperity may be vouchsafed to you all during your residence in your native land.  We also beg to express the hope that your sojourn there will not be permanent and that you may again return to live in the country in which the more active part of our life has been spent and where we can assure you you will always find the friends of your life time ready to welcome and rejoice at the prospect of having you again among them.

We remain dear Sir   (signatures)

James Bayne D.D. Pres.Min. Prince St. Church

Alexander Ross, Minister of Knox Church

W.-. Brown, --- Minister

W. Gordon

Robert Doull

Roderick M'Kenzie

I. R. Noonan

John R Davis

R - Grant

David Hockin*

James Primrose

Clarence Primrose

Howard Primrose

John Ferguson

David Matheson

G.H. Elliott

James  Hepburn

C. B. Robinson

Daniel Dickson

Alexander McPhail

James M'Lean

--- A --*

Henry Foster*

Charles E Davies

A. J. Patterson

John I. Ives

James Hislop

William Ives

James P. McLennan

-. -. Holms

George Glennie for ---

I. A. Gordon

David Logan

- W. Fraser

Daniel McKay

William M'Laren

B. Kirkpartick

Y. E. Johnstone

W. H. Davies

George R. Davies

William Issack*

C. Du---

Malcolm Campbell


J. McKean

Daniel P. Donald

Smith Copeland

Fred W. Fraser

Willard W. White

Thomas E---

J. Fisherfrant*

R. W. Oli--

Daniel Sutherland

Richard Tanner*

William McCulloch*

William Ross

James Patterson

Daniel McDonald

M. Morrison

--- Ross

John Yorston

James Yorston

William ---

William ---

W. J. Lorrain*


William H. Harris

Peter Brown

Montgomery -- Carfur*

James Stalker

Charles McDonald

W. E. Cook---

Daniel I. Hislop

--- ----, Consul of the U. S. of America

John ---

T. M. Porteous, Coll Island ---

Robert P. Grant

Donald Fraser

John A. Dawson

--- T. Smith

John McKinlay

(appears at least one more signature, page is cut off)

File Location

vault, original material #18

File number: 98-67b
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Roderick McKenzie, James McLean, William McLaren, Jane Crerar, Jane Kate Hatton, Laura Crerar, James Crerar, Henry Crerar, Harry Crerar, Laura Boyd, Jane MacKeen, James Peter Crerar, 98-67, ,
Views: 764
Uploaded on: September 2, 2016
Source: David Crerar

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