Description Bayview School

Bayview School, September 10, 1914 Not to be copied or reproduced with written permission, Nova Scotia Museum

Tallest boy in photo Hugh MacLeod, standing by Hugh, Ernie Martin

Four girls standing next to Hugh, Dolly (Leslie) Murdock, Gladys MacLeod, Laura (Lowden) Barnard and Margaret MacLeod

Teacher is Miss Adelaide MacLean of West River, Pictou County.  She was paid twice a year and boarded at Ferguson farm. 

Boys and girls sitting - Allan MacLeod, Kenzie Anderson, Alex Logan, John Leslie, Margaret Logan, Bessie Henderson and behind her, Bertha Lowden

Boy beside Hugh MacLeod is not identified.

Alternate Details

Information taken from Slates to Computers via Anne Boone.


File number: 91-4-4
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Bayview, Bayview School, 1914, Hugh MacLeod, Ernie Martin, Dolly (Leslie) Murdock, Gladys MacLeod, Laura (Lowden) Barnard, Margaret MacLeod, Adelaide MacLean
Views: 818
Uploaded on: February 11, 2015
Source: Nova Scotia Museum and Anne Boone

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