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Description Last Will and Testament of John McMillan E.R.

Last Will and Testament of John M'Millan E.R.

In the name of God Amen.

I John M'Millan of Finlay's Moutain East River of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia being at present of sound mind memory and understanding but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life Do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Viz.

I give my soul to God who gave it and my body to the dust in the hope of a blessed resurection my body is to be intered in a christian like manner the expenses to be defrayed out of my personal or other property.

I hereby direct that if Mary my wife survives me she shall receive on my property ten Milk cows and six sheep the same to be kept without any trouble or expense to her during her natural life by my son William

I direct that my said wife shall receive during her life from my said son William a yearly allowance of one fourth of whatever grain or potatoes which shall be raised on my farm 

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vault, microfilm

File number: 125
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Mary McMillan, Mary MacMillan, Mary M'Millan, William McMillan, William MacMillan, William M'Millan, John MacMillan
Views: 624
Uploaded on: August 22, 2016
Source: Will Book #1

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