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Description Last Will & Testament of Roderick M'Kenzie deceased

Last Will & Testament of Roderick M'Kenzie deceased

Middle River of Pictou

August 17th 1838

Know all men by these presents that I Roderick M'Kenzie of the Middle River of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia, being sensible that I must ere long depart this life, and being of perfect  and sound mind, do hereby bequeathe to my son Alexander alll the Land granted to me by my Father, consisting of 80 Acres, as defined on the Deed left in the hands of my beloved wife Isabella MacKenzie.  It is my most earnest desire that my children be taught the ordinary branches of  Education, and that the profits arising from the farm be devoted to that prupose.  It is my most earnest wish also that each of my two daughters viz Jessy MacKenzie and Cursty M'Kenzie shall receive Ten Pounds when they shall come of age.  I further appoint Kenneth MacKenzie, my brother and Duncan MacDonald Gairloch to be my Executors.  And finally, it is my earnest desire that my beloved wife while she continues unmarried to another, shall have the management of the affairs belonging to the farm. 

Signed sealed and delivered by me this seventeenth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight years

(signed) Donald MacKintoch (signed) John M'Donald (signed) Donald M'Kenzie}witnesses 

(signed) Rodderick MacKenzie (his mark)

County of Pictou Court of Probates}

Be it remembered that on this twenty fourth day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight the foregoing last will and testament of Roderick MacKenzie late of the Middle River of Pictou deceased was duly proved, approved and registered on the oath of John M'Donald one of the subscribing witnesses thereto, and Probate thereof granted to Kenneth M'Kenzie and Duncan M'Donald the Executors therein named they having been first duling sworn well and faithfully to discharge this trust reposed in them by the said testator according to Law.

Tho. Dickson

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vault, microfilm

File number: 98
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Donald MacIntosh, Donald McIntosh, Donald McKintoch, John MacDonald, John McDonald, Donald McKenzie, Donald MacKenzie, Roderick McKenzie, Duncan McDonald
Views: 795
Uploaded on: August 22, 2016
Source: Will Book #1

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