Description Simon W. Campbell

Printed in the Pictou Advocate on 17 December 1910.

Simon W. Campbell

Mr. Campell is a native of Carriboo.  After spending a number of years in the United States he returned to Pictou and started business as a builder and undertaker.  His first contract in Pictou was the Advocate Building.  This summer he built the curling rink.  Mr. Campbell is a first-class citizen.

File Location

vault, microfilm #11, #74

File number: PA17121910p11campbell
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Caribou, contractor, builder, businessman, mortician, Campbell, Cariboo, entrepreneur, Pictou businessman, Simon Campbell
Views: 760
Uploaded on: August 17, 2016
Source: Pictou Advocate

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