Will of Ronald Macdonald, Deceased
Certified Copy for Reg of Deeds
I, Ronald Macdonald of Pictou, Nova Scotia, late Roman Catholic Bishop of Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, now retired as Archbishop of Gortyna, make this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time heretofore made.
I give to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Harbor Grace Newfoundland for destitute and infirm priests one thousand dollars.
I give to Saint Bonaventure College, Saint Johns, Newfoundland one thousand dollars.
I give to the Presentation Convent at Harbor Morin, Newfoundland one hundred dollars.
I give to the Presentation Convent at Harbor Grace, Newfoundland one hundred dollars.
I give to the Presentation Convent at Conception Harbor, Newfoundland one hundred dollars.
I give to the Presentation Convent at Carbonear, Newfoundland one hundred dollars.
I give to the Presentation Convent at Brigus, Newfoundland one hundred dollars.
I give to the Presentation Convent on Cathederal Square Saint Johns, Newfoundland one hundred dollars.
I give to the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Antigonish for the Parish of Stella Maris, Pictou, five hundred dollars.
I give to Saint Anthony's Home, Sydney, Nova Scotia, five hundred dollars.
I give to the University of Saint Francis Xavier's College, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, one thousand dollars.
I give to the Home for Priest on Rue Etoil, Paris, France, two hundred fifty dollars.
I give to the Mission of Maryvale, County of Antigonish, five hundred dollars.
I give to the "White Fathers" at Quebec for their missions two thousand and five hundred dollars.
I give to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Saint Bonaface, Manitoba, for the Ruthenian Missions in Western Canada, two thousand and five hundred dollars.
I give to the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver, British Columbia, for missions in his Archdiocese one thousand and five hundred dollars.
I give to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Victoria, British Columbia, for missions in his diocese one thousand and five hundred dollars.
I bequeath two hundred and fifty dollars for the purchase and erection of a crucifix in the Cemetery at Maryvale, County of Antigonish.
I bequeath two hundred and fifty dollars for the purchase and erection of a crucifix in the Cemetery at Arisaig, County of Antigonish.
I bequeath two hundred and fifty dollars for the purchase and erection of a crucifix in the Cemetery at Lismore, County of Pictou.
I bequeath two hundred and fifty dollars for the purchase and erection of a crucifix in the Cemetery on Indian Island, County of Pictou.
I bequeath five hundred dollars for the low masses to be and within three months of my demise, for the repose of my soul.
I bequeath four hundred dollars for a foundation of annual low masses for my deceased parents.
I bequeath five hundred dollars for the low masses for the souls in Purgatory.
I give to my brother, Angus Macdonald one thousand dollars.
I give to my sister Jane, wife of Archibald McKenna, two hundred dollars.
I give to my sister Margaret, wife of Archibald Gillis, two hundred dollars.
I give to my sister Annie, widow of the late A. McDougall, two hundred dollars.
I give to Isabella Macdonald, widow of my late brother Martin Macdonald two hundred dollars.
I give to Mrs. Mary McKenzie five hundred dollars.
I give to Reverend Father Corbett, Corwall, Ontario, one hundred dollars.
I order that my funeral expenses shall not exceed six hundred dollars, the same to be the first payment to be d by my executors out of my estate.
The residue of my estate I leave to be disposed of by my executors according to a memorandum which I leave in thier possession.
I hereby appoint as my executors: Reverend Ronald Macdonald P.P. Pictou, Reverend Roderick Macdonald P.P. Westville, and John J. Chisholm, Pictou, N.S.
In Witness whereof I have signed and sealed and published and declared this instrument as my will, at Pictou on the twenty-fourth day of May nineteen hundred and eleven.
(signed) L.S. X R. Macdonald
Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testator as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who in the presence of each other at his request have signed our names as witnesses to the due execution thereof.
(Sgd) James Reid
(Sgd) Mary Macdonald.
A memorandum to my last Will and Testament.
I leave to my Executors the following amounts as hereby directed:
To my brother Rev. Roderick Macdonald, I give twenty five hundred dollars as a personal gift.
To Rev. Ronald Macdonald P.P., Pictou, I give Five hundred dollars also as a gift.
To John J. Chisholm I give twenty-five dollars in consideration of his trouble in connection with the administration of my will.
I give to Mary Macdonald my niece five hundred dollars.
I authorize my executors to erect a monument at my burial place at a cost not to exceed seven hundred dollars.
I also leave to my executors the sum of six thousand dollars, the annual interest of which is to be paid for the education of my nephews Ronald son of my brother Angus, Hugh son of my brother Angus and John Daniel son of my said brother Angus, Hugh Martin son of my brother Martin, to be applied according to the wisdom and judgement of said executors. On the completion of the education of said nephews, I desire that the capital amount be used for the extension of Religion in North Western Canada.
In Witness Whereof I have signed and sealed and published and declared this implement as a memorandum to my executors this twenty-fourth day of May nineteen hundred and eleven
(Signed) L.S. X R. Macdonald
Signed, sealed, and published by the testator as and for a memorandum in the presence of us who in the presence of each other and at his request have signed our names as witnesses to the due execution thereof.
(Signed) James Reid
" Mary Macdonald.
Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate
I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing typed written paper is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of the Most Reverend Ronald Macdonald late of Pictou in the County of Pictou Farmer deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the 25th. day of September AD 1912.
Witness my hand at Pictou aforesaid this 25th. day of September AD 1912.
John D. MacLeod Registrar
Stamp -
Office, County of Pictou, OCT 14 1912 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 2 PM of the above day in Book 5, page 114 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg
John Yorston Registrar.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2442M |
Contributor: |
Tags: | Ronald Macdonald of Pictou, late Roman Catholic Bishop of Harbor Grace Nfld, retired Archbishop of Gortyna, Angus Macdonald, Jane McKenna, Archibald McKenna, Margaret Gillis, Archibald Gillis, Annie McDougall, late A. McDougall, Mrs. Mary McKenzie, Rev. Father Corbett Corwall ON, Reverend Ronald Macdonald P.P. of Pictou, John J. Chisholm of Pictou, Reverend Roderick Macdonald P.P. of Westville, 1911, James Reid, Mary Macdonald, nephew Ronald Macdonald, nephew Hugh Macdonald, nephew John Daniel Macdonald, nephew Hugh Martin Macdonald, Martin Macdonald, 1912 |
Views: | 783 |
Uploaded on: | August 17, 2016 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |