Description John W. Priest

Article printed in the Pictou Advocate, 17 December 1910 about John W. Priest.

Here is a man who represents the new spirit that is steadily taking hold of Pictou, a spirit with a proper appreciation of the past but with its energy concentrated on the present, and an optimistic outlook to the future.  Mr. Priest left his farm home in Carriboo when 20 years of age and entered the employ of R. Tanner Co., Ltd.  Sixteen years ago he bought out a boot and shoe business from E. C. Henderson, who had started shortly before in the building formerly occupied by the late William MacLaren as a furniture store. A year ago Mr. Priest built on this site a concrete block, which is an ornament to the street.  His business is both retail and wholesale, and it is growing every year. 

File Location

vault, microfilm #11, #74

File number: PA17Dec1910p11priest
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: John Priest, Priest, Caribou, Carriboo, Cariboo, businessman, business, store, entrepreneur, Pictou businessman
Views: 741
Uploaded on: August 17, 2016
Source: Pictou Advocate

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