Description Alfred D. Barry

Article printed in the Pictou Advocate on 17 December 1910, about Alfred D. Barry of Barry's Mills, Pictou, Nova Scotia.

Alfred D. Barry

Barry's Mills is an old established industry, having its first footing in the acquirement of th esaw and grist mill business of the late and horourables, Messrs. Dickson and Anderson, of old Pictou fame.  This industry was acquired by its present owner's father in 1855 and since that time has been a consistent factor for good to the public, always up to date and serving its patrons with perfect satisfaction.  At the death of Wm. Barry, the business was reorganized with a complete outfit of wood-working machines, under the firm name of Barry Bros., who successfully carrie it on until 1907, when Mr. Dan. Barry retired, since which time it has been in charge of the present owner, Mr. Alfred Barry, who has kept it up to the high standard always aimed at, and to-day it stands as one of the best and most up-to-date wood-working factories in the country.  Mr. Barry has always endeavored to give satisfaction to his many customers and with his ability and knowledge of the trade he has fulfilled his endeavor.

Lately Mr. Barry has added to his list a wholesale and retail ice business.

There is always a good stick of builders' supplies carried o-furnished at short notice at Barry's, and also the Pedlar people's goods in metal ceiling, etc.  Mr. Barry also handles the Canada Asbestos Company's goods in "Beaverboard," an excellent wall plaster put on in sheets without laths or furring.  This outside wall covering is highly spoken of.  Note the covering on the Logan Tanning Co's buildings.

Mr. Barry's homestead has long been noted for its tidy, well-kept and picturesque appearance and this beauty spot of Pictou County has been a subject for many an artist.  Living in such an environment has, probably, had somethingto do with the social character and upright spirit of Mr. Barry 

File Location

vault, microfilm #11, #74

File number: PA17121910p11barry
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: business, Daniel Barry, Barry, Barry Brothers, William Barry, Barry's Pond, Barrys Mills, entrepreneur, Pictou businessman, Alfred Barry
Views: 637
Uploaded on: August 17, 2016
Source: Pictou Advocate

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