Will of Mary McDonald, Deceased
Certified Copy for Reg of Deeds
This is the last Will and Testament of me, Mary McDonald, of New Glasgow, in the County of Pictou, Spinster.
I hereby revoke and make void all Wills and Testamentary writings made by me at any time heretofore made.
Whereas, my father, Hugh McDonald, late of Elmbank, Lower South River, in the County of Antigonish, Merchant, deceased, did in and by his last Will and Testament, dated the third day of January A.D. 1865, duly probat4ed, devise and bequeath unto the trustees and executors therein named the sum of eight thousand dollars in trust, as to one-half thereof, to pay the annual profits, interests or proceeds arising therefrom to me, the said Mary McDonald, during my natural life, and after my death to pay and apply one-half of the said sum of eight thousand dollars, as I, the said Mary McDonald, might by my last Will and Testament appoint.
And whereas I am also entitles under the provisions of the said last Will and testament to certain monies bring part of the residuary estate of the said late Hugh McDonald, deceased, which said monies, together with the said sum of four thousand dollars were by the late Reverend George Patterson D. D., deceased, the sole surviving trustee and executor of and under the said last Willa and Testament, invested for my benefit, the sum being now held invested by John H. Sinclair and George Paterson of New Glasgow aforesaid, Executors of and under the last will and testmanet of the said late Reverend George Patterson, D.D., and the dividends, profits and interests thereof have been paid to me.
NOW THEREFORE in exercise of the power of appointment to me, by the said last Will and Testament of the said late Hugh McDonald, deceased, given as aforesaid, and of every other powere enabling me in this behalf, I do now direct and appoint that the principal sums of money hereinbefore referred to, as well as one half share of the sum of eight thousand dollars specifically devised in trust for my benefit by the said late Hugh McDonald, deceased, as my share of his residuary estate, shall be paid to my sister Catherine, should she survive me, but if my said sister Catherine shall have predeceased me, then I hereby direct and appoint that the said principal sums, together with any other sums of money or funds of which I may die possessed, and the securities representing the same to be paid over and transferred to my executors hereinafter named to be by them converted into money and paid and applied as follows:
(1) To my niece Mary Irving the sum of one thousand dollars.
(2) To my niece Affie Morrison Oxley, the sum of one thousand dollars.
(3) To my niece Helen McKeen, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars.
(4) To my niece Louise Livesley, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars.
(5) To my niece Nellie Atwater, the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars.
(6) To my niece Fairy McDonald, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars.
(7) To my grand-nephew Hugh McDonald Henry, son of William A. Henry of Halifax, the sum of one hundred dollars.
(8) To the Treasurer of the time being of the Presbyterian Mission at Rutlam, Central India, the sum of two hundred dollars, in trust for the said mission, the receipt of said Treasurer to be a sufficient discharge therefore.
(9) To the Treasurer for the time being of the North West Missions in connection with the Presbyterian Church in Canada, the sum of two hundred dollars, the receipt of said Treasurer to be a sufficient charge therefore.
(10) To the trustees of the United Presbyterian Church at New Glasgow, the sum of two hundred dollars.
(11) To pay and apply the balance of the said fund as is hereinafter directed with regard to the residue of my estate.
I give, devise and bequeath to my sister Catherine, but only should she survive me, all other my property, real and personal, and all my interest therein, with the exception, however of my farm known as Elmbank, at Lower South River, in the County of Antigonish and the other property connected therewith hereinafter specifically devised.
Should my sister Catherine predecease me, I give, devise ad bequeath:
(1) To my nephew Harry McDonald six sterling silver forks.
(2) To my nephew William A. Henry, Bishop Fraser's silver soup ladle, and he silver tea service given to me by his father, the late Judge Henry.
(3) To my niece Nellie Atwater all the remaining furniture, personal property and contents of the house in New Glasgow where I now reside.
I direct my executors to purchase a lot in the Presbyterian Cemetery at Antigonish for the interment of my body if I have not already done so in my lifetime.
I give, devise and bequeath my farm know as Elmbank at Lower South River, in the County of Antigonish, together with the lot of Woodland at the Dyke and the houses, barns, buildings and appurtenances, and the household furniture, goods, chattels and effects so far as my interest therein extends, situate therein or thereon, to the heirs of my late brother William A.J. McDonald, such heirs to take the same as if he the said William A.J. McDonald had departed this life intestate at the moment of my decease.
I give, devise and bequeath the residue of my estate to and among my nieces, Lelia Ward, Helena Kenney and Helen Castre, but should any of the said three nieces depart this life prior to my decease leaving a child or children her or them surviving, such child or children shall take the share of the said residue to which his, her or their mother would have been, if living entitled, and should any of my said three nieces depart this life prior to my decease without leaving a child or children her or them surviving then the said residue shall be divided equally per stirpes among the remaining ones of my said three nieces who sahll have predeceased me.
I nominate and appoint as the executors of this my will my nephews William A. Henry and George Patterson.
In Witness Whereof, I the said Mary McDonald have Hereto to this my last Will and Testament my hand and seal set and affixed this nineteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and three.
(Sgd) Mary McDonald LS
SIGNED,SEALED, PUBLISHED and DEDLARED by Mary McDonald the Testatrix as and for her last will and Testament in the presence of us, who, at her request, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses
(Sgd) A. R. Dimock
Archd. McColl
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate
I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of Mary McDonald late of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou Spinster Deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the 7th. day of January AD 1905.
Witness my hand at Pictou aforesaid this 7th. day of June AD 1905.
John D. MacLeod Registrar
Stamp -
Office, County of Pictou, JUL 21 1905 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 11 AM of the above day in Book 4, page 115 - 118 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg
John Yorston Registrar.
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2436M |
Contributor: |
Tags: | Mary McDonald of New Glasgow, Spinster, 1903, late Hugh McDonald, Elmbank in South Lower River Antigonish, late Reverend George Patterson D.D., John H. Sinclair, George Patterson, Mary Irving, Affie Morrison Oxley, Helen McKeen, Louise Livesley, Nellie Atwater, Fairy McDonald, Hugh McDonald Henry, William A. Henry of Halifax, Presbyerian Mission at Rutlam Central India, North West Mission, United Presbyterian Church New Glasgow, Catherine McDonald, Harry McDonald, late William A.J. McDonald, Leila Ward, Helena Kenny, Helen Castre, A.R. Dimock, Archibald McColl, 1905 |
Views: | 736 |
Uploaded on: | August 17, 2016 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |