Description Parlour room of McCulloch House

Original artifacts of Thomas McCulloch located in the McCulloch House Museum at 86 Haliburton Road, Pictou, NS.

Alternate Details

Picture taken in the early to mid 1990s, before a renovation to the home to restore the home.


Original items include the desk, the J.J. Audubon painting behind the desk, stuffed loon made by Thomas McCulloch, portrait over fireplace. The table and chairs are period pieces from the era of 1805.

File Location

McCulloch House Museum

File number: 00-269-21
Contributor:    Charlotte Fitt | View all submissions
Tags: desk, fireplace, window, sofa, Audubon, Thomas McCulloch, McCulloch House, Pictou
Views: 867
Uploaded on: February 11, 2015
Source: McCulloch House Artifact

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