Description Will of John McDonald of Westville, Pictou Co., NS


Will of John McDonald, Deceased

Certified Copy for Reg of Deeds

I John McDonald of Westville in the County of Pictou Nova Scotia being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this life do therefore made publish and declare this to be my last will and Testament as follows

(1st.) I will devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Jane McDonald the southern half of my house in Westville the one in which I now reside consisting of four rooms in the main building and the porch or wing used as a kitchen for her use during the term of her natural life.

(2nd.) I will devise and bequeath to my daughter Jessie McDonald a home with my wife so long as she remains unmarried.

(3rd.) I will devise and bequeath to my son James McDonald all my property both real and personal to which I am in any way entitled at the time of my death including the portion set apart for the use of my wife the same to come into possession of my said son at my wife’s death

(4th.) I will that in the event of my daughter Jessie aforesaid surviving her mother that is my said wife that she shall have a home with my son James so long as she remained unmarried

(5) I hereby appoint my son James McDonald and J.F. Oliver of Westville the executors of this my last will and Testament.

In Testimony Whereof I the Testator have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 2nd. day of April A.D., 1884.

Signed X his mark John McDonald L.S.

Signed published and declared by the said John McDonald to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names.

Signed Roderick McLeod
Signed John A McDonald

Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou S.S.
In the Court of Probate

I John D. McLeod Registrar of said Court do hereby certify that the foregoing paper writing is a true copy of the last Will and Testament of John McDonald late of Westville in the County of Pictou deceased which said will was duly admitted to Probate in said Court at Pictou on the first day of October AD 1903.

Witness my hand at Pictou aforesaid this 10th. day of October AD 1903.

John D. MacLeod Registrar


Office, County of Pictou, OCT 29 1903 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 11:30 AM of the above day in Book 3, page 39 - 40 on the certificate of John D. MacLeod Reg

John Yorston Registrar.

File Location

Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf

File number: 15W - 2420M
Contributor:    Judy Cormier | View all submissions
Tags: John McDonald of Westville, 1884, Jane McDonald, Jessie McDonald, James McDonald, Roderick McLeod, John A. McDonald, 1903
Views: 721
Uploaded on: July 14, 2016
Source: Allan Slaunwhite

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