Estate of John McDonald late of the March, McLellan’s Mountain, Joiner deceased, Intestate
Plan, and Division of Lands
Province of Nova Scotia
County of Pictou
In the Court of Probate, 1882
In the matter of the Estate of John McDonald. Late of the Marsh, McLellan’s Mountain, Joiner, deceased, intestate.
The Commissioners appointed to divide the above Estate, have apportioned as follows,
To the heirs of Duncan McDonald, Lot No. 1 as marked on a plan of said lots made by James Holmes dated the 8th. Day of July (April is scratched out and initialed) A.D. 1882, returned with the said warrant and which said lot is more particularly described in a Schedule of said lots annexed to the said return, and Report Marked “A” as follows, Beginning at the North west angle of lands taken by the Vale Coal Company for mining purposes from the heirs of John McDonald, and from thence North forty degrees West Eleven chains, thence North Sixty degrees East one chain and two links (insertion – thence South 40 degrees East eleven chains), thence South Sixty degrees West one chain and two links to the place of beginning, containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To Mary McDonald and her husband they assigned and laid off Lot No. 2, on said plan and Schedule described as follows. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 1 and from thence North forty degrees west, Eleven chains, thence North Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South, forty degrees East Eleven chains, thence South Sixty degrees West one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square roods.
To Donald Allan McDonald they assigned and laid off No.3 on said plan and Schedule, described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 2, and thence north forty degrees west Eleven chains, thence north Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees East (insertion) eleven chains, thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square roods.
To Nellie McDonald they assigned and laid off Lot No. 4 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South East angle of Lot. No. 3 and from thence North forty degrees west Eleven chains, thence North Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South Forty (scratched and initialed) degrees east eleven chains, thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square roods.
To Donald McDonald they assigned and laid off Lot No. 5 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 4 and from thence North forty degrees west Eleven chains thence North Sixty degrees East one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees east eleven chains thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To Sophia McDonald devisee of John McDonald they assigned and laid off Lot No. 6 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 5 and from thence (insertion - North 40 degrees west Eleven chains, thence) North Sixty degrees East one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees east eleven chains thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To Evan McDonald they assigned and laid off Lot No. 7 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 6 and from thence North forty degrees west Eleven chains thence North Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees east eleven chains thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To Sophia Grant and her husband Joh Grant they assigned and laid off Lot No. 8 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 7 and from thence North Forty degrees west Eleven chains, thence North Sixty degrees East one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees East(inserted) eleven chains, thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To Annie Fraser and her husband Alexander Fraser, they assigned and laid off Lot No. 9 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 8 and from thence North forty degrees west Eleven chains, thence North Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees east eleven chains, thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To Margaret McDonald and her husband Alexander McDonald they assigned and laid off Lot No. 10 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 9 and from thence North forty degrees west Eleven chains thence North Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees east eleven chains thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To Catherine Fraser and her husband John Fraser they assigned and laid off Lot No. 11 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 10 and from thence North forty degrees west Eleven chains thence North Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees east eleven chains thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To Jessie McDonald and her husband John McDonald they assigned and laid off Lot No. 12 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 11 and from thence North forty degrees west Eleven chains thence North Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees east eleven chains thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To the heirs of William McDonald, they assigned and laid off Lot No. 13 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 12 and from thence North forty degrees west Eleven chains thence North Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees east eleven chains thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To Christy Murray Sister of Said Intestate they assigned and laid off Lot No. 14 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 13 and from thence North forty degrees west Eleven chains thence North Sixty degrees east one chain and two links, thence South forty degrees east eleven chains thence South Sixty degrees west one chain and two links to the place of beginning containing one acre and Sixteen Square Roods.
To the heirs of James McDonald they assigned and laid off Lot No. 15 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the South east angle of Lot No. 14 and from thence North forty degrees west two chains and fifty links, thence South Seventy nine degrees west three chains and fifty links, thence South one degree east four chains, thence North Sixty degrees East five chains and Seventy five links to the place of beginning containing one acre and twenty five Square Roods.
To Angus McDonald they assigned and laid off Lot No. 16 on said plan and Schedule described as follows viz. Beginning at the North west angle of Lot No. 1 on the said plan annexed as aforesaid and from thence North forty degrees west Eight chains and fifty links, thence North Seventy (eighty scratched out) nine degrees east four chains, and fifty links, thence North (South scratched out) 89 degrees (east and sixty are scratched out) east (west scratched out) five (eight scratched out) chains and fifty links (inserted) (entire sentence scratched out but initialed for all scratches), South Sixty degrees west eight chains to the place of beginning containing one acre and Seventy Square Roods.
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate 1882
I do hereby certify that the foregoing transcripts 16. Are true copies of the said lots respectively set off and allotted by the Commissioners appointed for that purpose, a plan of which is hereunto annexed, the same hainvg been confirmed by a decree of the Judge of probate of this County, dated the 31st. day of August A.D. 1882.
John H. Lane Registrar
To John Ferguson Esqr.
Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
No Stamp
Province of Nova Scotia,
Registrar of Deeds Office, County of Pictou, 16th March 1883 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 4 PM of the above day in Book 1, pages 156,157,158,159 and 160 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr.
John Ferguson Regr
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2416M |
Contributor: |
Tags: | John McDonald of Marsh McLellan's Mountain, 1882, late Duncan McLeod, James Holmes Dept. Surveyor, Mary McDonald, Donald McDonald, Donald Allan McDonaldNellie McDonald, Donald McDonald, Sophia McDonald, Evan McDonald, Sophie Grabt, John Grant, Annie Fraser, Alexander Fraser, Margaret McDonald, Alexander McDonald, Catherine Fraser, John Fraser, Jessie McDonald, John McDonald, late William McDonald, Christy Murray, late James McDonald, Angus McDonald, Vale Coal Company, 1883 |
Views: | 850 |
Uploaded on: | July 12, 2016 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |