Description Anderson A MacKimmie

Reference letter for Anderson A MacKimmie written on Pictou Academy letterhead. 

The original Act of Incorporation of the Pictou Academy having passed the House of Assembly of Nova Scotia unanimously received the Governor's assent on the Twenty-sixth of March, 1816.  The corner stone fo the present building was laid on the Twenty-fourth of May 1880

Pictou, N.S.

Aug 8th 1895

The bearer Anderson A MacKimmie has passed through three grades of Pictou Academy and obtained a grade B certificate at the Provincial Examinations in July last.  I take pleasure in testifying that he has shown himself throughout his whole course a young man of excellent character and deportment, a student of more than average ability and application, and I have every confidence that he will display the same character and qualities as a teacher.

R. McLellan, Principal

File Location

vault, original material box #41

File number: 2007-072b
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: McKimmie, M'Kimmie, PA, reference letter, character reference, complimentary, qualified, certified, skilled, skill, knowledge, educator
Views: 675
Uploaded on: July 11, 2016

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