To all to whom these presents shall come John Munro of Sutherlands River in the County of Pictou Yeoman sends greeting
Whereas in Her Majesty's Supreme Court holden at Pictou in the term of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and fiftytwo the said John Munro recovered judgement against Alexander McGregor of the same place Yeoman for the sum of fourteen pounds seven shillings and six pence debt or damages together with two pounds costs of suit a docket of which judgment hath been registered at Pictou on the 16th day of June A.D. 1852 in Liber 36 Folio 547 so as to bind the real estate of the said Alexander McGregor and whereas it hath been agreed by and between the said John Munro and Alexander McGregor that no execution shall issue on the said judgment till three years after the date of said judgment. Now know ye that for an in consideration of the sum of fourteen pounds seven shillings and sixpence to the said John Munro paid by James Fraser of New Glasgow, Merchant, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged the said McGregor having paid the costs of said judement he the said John Munro hath granted sold assigned transferred and set over and by these presents doth grant sell assign transfer and set over unto the said James Fraser
Fraser (Downie) his executors administrators and assigns the said judgment debt of fourteen pounds seven shillings and six pence together with interest due and to grow due thereon and all benefit and advantage to be derived from said judgment by virtue of the aforesaid Registry thereof or by virtue of any execution or executions to be issued thereon
And the said John Munro doth hereby authorize and appoint the said James Fraser (Downie) his lawful attorney for himself the said James Fraser and in the name of the said John Munro to receive and recover the amount due or to accrue on said judgment and in the name of the said John Munro to commence and prosecute to satisfaction any legal measures necessary in order to realize the full benefit and advantage of said judgment to and for the sole use and at the proper costs and expenses of the said James Fraser.
In witness wereof the said John Munro hath hereto his hand and seal subscribed and set this eleventh day of April AD. 1853.
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of } John Munro (his mark)
Alexander McKenzie
Simun McLean
To all to whom these presents shall come I James Fraser/Downie, of New Glasgow, Merchant named in the foregoing instrument sends greeting.
Whereas Alexander McGregor of Sutherland's river also named in the said foregoing instruments of assignment hath this day paid me the sum of fifteen pounds good money of Nova Scotia, being to full amount of money mentioned in the said instrument together with the interest which has accured thereon up to this date the receipts whereof is hereby acknowledged. Now know ye that for and in consideration of the said sum of fifteen pount I the said James Fraser Downie for myself my heirs and assigns do revoke, abrogate, cancel and annul the said foregoing instrument of assignment, and I do hereby also for ever discharge and release the said Alexander McGregor from the payment or payments of the judgment debt in the said instrument mentioned, as well as from the payment of any interest, cost, or expences that may hereafter accrue from or arise out of the same in any conditions or clause in the said instrument notwithstanding.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of March AD. 1861.
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Alex. Fraser, ---}
James Fraser Downe
vault, original material, box #18
File number: | 98-74d |
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Tags: | MacGregor, McGrigor, Simon McLean, James Downie Fraser, Downie, James Fraser Downe |
Views: | 648 |
Uploaded on: | July 5, 2016 |
Source: | Isabel and Ab Lawson |