Description McGregor of Sutherlands River, 1852

This Indenture made this thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two between Margaret MacGregor of Sutherlands River in the County of Pictou, single woman of the one part and Alexander MacGregor of the same place, Yeoman, of the other part whereas John MacGregor late of Sutherlands River in the County aforesaid died Intestate leaving certain real estate situate at Sutherlands River aforesaid upon which he lived at and farmed to his death.  And whereas the said Margaret Mac Gregor is one of the heirs at --- of the said John Mac Gregor and of --- entitled to the said real estate of the said John Mac Gregor with her brother the said Alexander Mac Gregor, and whereas the said Margaret Mac Gregor --- sold to the said Alexander Mac Gregor all her right and title in and to the estate of the said John Mac Gregor deceased.  --this Indenture witnesseth that the said Margaret Mac Gregor for and in consideration of the sum of six pounds of lawful money of Nova Scotia to her in hand well and truly paid by the same Alexander Mac Gregor at or before the ensending and delivery of their hands the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath --- released and for ever quit claimed and by these presents doth remain release and for ever quit claim unto the said Alexander Mac Gregor all her right title interest and claim of --- of and upon all the real estate of the said John Mac Gregor deceased and of which he died possessed which said land is bounded in the east by lands of Daniel Rankine on the north by Sutherland --- and on the west by the lands of Alexander Cameron being part and parcel of that property in which the said John Mac Gregor --- --- to his death.  With all and si

File Location

vault, original material, box #18

File number: 98-74b
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: agreement, Margaret MacGregor, John MacGregor, Alexander MacGregor, John McGrigor, contract, indenture
Views: 669
Uploaded on: July 5, 2016
Source: Isabel and Ab Lawson

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