Estate of John McDonald, late of Ardness, Farmer, deceased, Testate
Certified Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds
This is the last Will and Testament of me John McDonald of Ardness in the County of Pictou, Farmer, Devising to dispose of my property now that I am sane in mind and body.
I devise that all my just and legal debts shall be paid by my beloved sons Angus and John and as speedily as possible from the proceeds of the real Estate that I own at Ardness and known as ‘Hugh McGillivrays rear’, so called, as well as from the personal property hereby bequeathed.
To my sons Angus and John I give and bequeath the homestead farm on which I reside to be by them fully enjoyed for their use and benefit.
To my sons Angus and John I give and bequeath the residue of my real Estate that I may die Seized or possessed of to have and to hold the same for their use and benefit.
I give and bequeath to my beloved daughters Ann and Kathrine two cows and six sheep, and I ordain that they shall be wintered and pastured by and at the expense of my sons Angus and John for the separate use and benefit of each of them my daughters except as hereinafter provided.
To my sons Angus and John I give the residue of my personal property.
I ordain that my daughters Ann and Kathrine shall be supported by my sons John and Angus and to receive Each annually, one pair of Boots, and one new dress, during the unmarried period of their life provided that they Ann and Kathrine shall on their part assist and work in the house and on the farm as they do now for myself.
I devise that in the event of my daughter Sarah becoming married, she shall receive from Angus and John such a marriage portion as is customary in the Country, and in accordance with their circumstances.
I further devise that should not my daughter Sarah become married, I devise that she shall enjoy share by share all the privileges that I have accorded to Ann & Kathrine in respect to the two cows and six sheep to be by her enjoyed during her unmarried period of her life, provided also that she help and assist my sons in house and farm work.
To my beloved daughter Mary Jane Mrs. Robert Robert Millgrove of Parrsboro I give and bequeath Twenty Dollars Cash, to be paid to her by my sons Angus and John out of the personal property hereby bequeathed.
And lastly I ordain that all the foregoing orders and decrees shall be duly and faithfully carried out and I hereby appoint Dougald McDonald my brother and Donald McLean of Bailey’s Brook whom I make, constitute, and ordain executors of this my last Will and Testament satisfying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament this twentieth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and eighty five.
Signed X his mark John McDonald L.S.
Signed Sealed published and declared by the testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of each other, have hereunto Subscribed our names as witnesses at his request being first read and explained.
Signed ---- Donald McDonald
" ---- D.D. Macdonald
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court for the Probate of Wills
I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of two pages, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of John McDonald late of Ardness in the County of Pictou, Farmer, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court.
Given under my hand at Pictou this 28th day of December A.D. 1892.
John H. Lane Registrar
To the Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
Stamp –
Province of Nova Scotia, Registrar of Deeds
Office, County of Pictou, 31st. DEC 1892 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 2:30 PM of the above day in Will Book 2, pages 261-2- 3 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr.
John Yorston Registrar
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2411M |
Contributor: |
Tags: | John McDonald of Ardness, Farmer, 1885, Angus McDonald, John McDonald, 'Hugh McGillvrays Rear', Ann McDonald, Kathrine McDonald, Sarah McDonald, Mary Jane (Mrs. Robert Millgrove) of Parrsboro, Dougald McDonald, Donald McLean of Bailey's Brook, Donald McDonald, D.D. Macdonald, 1892 |
Views: | 962 |
Uploaded on: | June 21, 2016 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |