Estate of Jenett McDougall, late of Stellarton, Widow, deceased, Testate
Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds
I Mrs. Jenett McDougal of Stellarton, County of Pictou, Nova Scotia, do hereby make this my last Will and Testament as follows.
I give and bequeath to John McDougall my grandson, and son of Thomas McDougal of Stellarton, that certain lot, piece or parcel of land Situated, lying and being on the west side of the East River, and which is abutted and bounded as follows, (as described in deed dated the twentieth day of Dec. One thousand eight hundred and Sixty Six) that is to say, Beginning at a Stake now placed at the north of the road or footpath of one Joseph Baker, and running from thence by the magnet North Eleven degrees east two chains and thirty links to a stake there place, thence North Seventy nine degrees west two chains and eighteen links to another Stake there placed, thence South Eleven degrees west two chains and thirty links to another Stake there placed, thence South Seventy nine degrees east two chains and eighteen links or to the place of beginning, Containing eighty square rods or One half acre, more or less.
It is my wish that my funeral expenses be paid out of what is due me at the Union Store, Stellarton, and the balance I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Bell, wife of Norman Ferguson.
I will and bequeath to my Cow to my Son Thomas McDougal with the hay which is in the Barn, the milk of the Cow to be divided until May 1st. 1898, between my son Thomas and my daughter Mary Bell.
My own wearing clothes I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Bell.
It is my will that the wife of my Son Thomas and my daughter Mary Bell divide the bedding and household furniture between them.
I appoint Alex Grant of Stellarton as Executor.
Signed X her mark Jenett McDougal L.S.
Signed Sealed and declared in the presence of
Signed (Rev.) Edwin H. Burgess, Stellarton
Signed X his mark Thomas A. Fraser Blue Mt.
Signed X his mark Hugh Fraser Blue Mt.
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate of Wills
I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of one page, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of Jenett McDougall, late of Stellarton in the County of Pictou, Widow, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court.
Given under my hand at Pictou, this 1st. day of December A.D. 1897.
John H. Lane Registrar
To the Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou
Stamp –
Province of Nova Scotia, Registrar of Deeds
Office, County of Pictou, 8th. Jany 1898 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at 11:45 AM of the above day in Book 3, pages 140 & 141 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr.
John Yorston Registrar
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 2410M |
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Tags: | Jenett McDougall of Stellarton, 1897, John McDougall, Thomas McDougal of Stellarton, Joseph Baker, Mary Bell (McDougall) Ferguson, Norman Ferguson, Alex Grant of Stellarton, Rev. Edwin H. Burgess of Stellarton, Thomas A. Fraser of Blue Mountain, Hugh Fraser of Blue Mountain, 1898 |
Views: | 636 |
Uploaded on: | June 9, 2016 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |