Description Honor Roll

List of Pictou Academy students (current and former) serving in World War II, as listed by the 1941 The Academy

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File number: 2016-16-05b
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: war, WWII, The Academy, Pictou Academy, Joseph Anderson, Pictou, Roland English, Roland Harris, James MacCarville, Charles MacDonald, J.F. MacDonald, Milton McPhail, Earl Watt, Joseph Brennan, Tom Ferguson, Wallace Hill, Ford MacDonald, Douglas MacDonald, Martin MacDonald, Harry MacKenzie, Gordon Ross, D.C. Wallace, Greig Ross, Kent Ross, Bill Ross, Mike MacCarville, Westville, Halifax, River John, George Adamson, James Baillie, Gerald Bowes, Russell Carson, Murray Clark, Baillie Cooke, David Dickson, Herman Feavyour, Lloyd Fraser, Harry Freeman, Morris Freeman, James Gillis, Donald Gilchrist, Howard Hamilton, William Hemmings, Robert Jardine, Arthur MacCarville, Gerald MacDonald, David MacEachern, Leonard Robertson, Peter Rogers, Wilfred Simmonite, Neil Sinclair, D. Sutherland, Smith Watts, Walter Barnwell, Dr. R. H. Sutherland, Dr. Fraser Young, Stewart Chapman, Harry Wallace, Neil Haley, Arthur Andrew, Tom Bethune, Murdoch Campbell, Ernest Conrad, Stanley Davis, John Dixon, Earl Fraser, Roy McKenna, Roy MacKenzie, Orvis MacNeil, Sandy McVean, John Morrison, Burns Murphy, Jack Perry, John MacFarland, Ross Fraser, Mike Freeman, John Garvin, Meagher Grant, Ernest Heighton, Lloyd Hill, Edward MacArthur, Arthur MacDonald, Tom MacDougall, William MacFarlane, New Brunswick, Pugwash, Big B'ras d'Or, Stellarton, George McK MacLean, William McKenna, Jack MacNeil, Warren MacPhee, Carson Morrison, Malcolm Murray, John Palmer, Ernest Priest, Ralph Robson, Edwin Ross, Douglas Suirane, Isaac Vigneault, Kelvin Thompson, Rogers Grant, Robert Annand, James MacKinnon, Dr. Sidney Gilchrist, Douglas Smith, Cyril Swailes, A.D. Grant, Louis Feavyour, Michael Freeman, Fraser Mercer, Clarence Wallace, Sterling Badeau, Russell Fraser, Alan Hines, Max MacRae, Charlie MacLellan, Donald O'Brien, Everett Badoux, Fred English, Ben Gill, Bert MacDonald, Allister Irving, Malcolm MacLeod, Douglas MacPhie, Lyons Brook, Geoffrey Morrison, Alex Rae, West Branch, Allison Dunn, George English, George Hill, Roy Lawlor, Earl MacDonald, James McKenna, Alfred Penny, Robert Johnston, Don Blenkhorne, Harry MacPhail, Robert Sutherland, Gus Talbot, Fred Muir, Leith Venoit, Gerald McKenna, Earl Ross, Lewis Munsie
Views: 1237
Uploaded on: May 19, 2016

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