Description 1846 Letter to James Fraser

“[Fangask?] House 9th March 1846

Catherine McB


Dear Uncle

I have seen a letter from your hand in Kilmorack House and I took upon myself to write you this few lines. Alexander Campbell the son of Donald Campbell and Catherine Campbell your sister who departed this life 20 years ago and my father departed this life 16 years ago and left fine sons and one daughter Ann Campbell. She [meas?] married and her husband was hurt in a saw mill died in three hours time and she remains a widow as [yes?] Mr. Fraser Kilmorack departed this life in October 1845 but the family resides on the house as yet but young W. Simon Fraser is after getting presentation of the parish and leaving the parish of Ardnsear near Fort George and your sister died 4 years ago Hannah your sister departed this life February 1845. The rest of your sisters is in the land of the living. Dear [Mile?] in every parish there two churches the free [hurch?] parish of Kilmorask is in Balblacr within a mile and a quarter from Beauly an a a large congregation the gospel was mere [freashed?] in the parish. Before [Hnlite?], this free churches took place the free church of Kirkhill here is at Bogray W. A. Fraser the son of W. D. Fraser is in the free church an a he is going to the land of America to preach the gospel first month and has to go an to see the state of your lands. Dead [Mrall?] be so new a and let me [nnouu?] about An Fraser the wife of John M (old) who left Traprish and suppose along of the living [Male?] all those [mineaer?] that left your land got churches and manses on step an but no congregation.

They are will contend of the [will se?] to all a [dogem?] on their churches on the church of Bedeastle [hues?] is only 4 of [heancers?] and every other parish churches is all the [same?] moderate is thought but very little of in thi country we thought that W._____ son on Fraser Kilmorask would would not have done as he did to [tasm?] a moderate but he is thour very little of know. Dear [Mnell?] do not write this [svor?] as back potatoes from 14__to__ 16th [28?] back oatmeal from 22 __ to __ 24 Dutch [Neight?] butter and [olsheem g £__egs?] 6” pr [dogem?] hay for share [lou?] 8 seed oats 35 shellings per quarter mutton 5__t6 for B____ beff 6 for [bb___] que bap 8

Catherine McBains Fraser


This winter has been very favourable February is like  month June or July. All year [round as gurts?] will all that [asks ow?] of them.



Dear [Uncle?] is you shall be so kind is to let me know how you are keeping your  heart and the news of the land of America at any other [time?] shall let you [new ow?] the news of this country.

My best respects to your family,

I am your [affer] Friend


Alexander Campbell address:

Alexander Campbell

Tongasn House

Bogray by Inverness

North Britton”

File Location

Original Material Box #8

File number: 79-37q
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Fraser, James Fraser, Catherine McBain Fraser, Alexander Campbell, Campbell, Scotland, letter, McLellans Mountain
Views: 866
Uploaded on: May 17, 2016

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