Description Donald and Elisabeth McDonald I.O.U. Note

"McLellans Mountain 

March 16th, 1855

We do hereby certify that we both Donald McDonald and Elisabeth mcDonald his wife promise to pay James Fraser [ban tunier?] seven pence half penny out of every pound of own I have of a certain lagacy that is reported that was left for my father of the lagacy will be reeavened for two pound ten shillings he gives us to pay the expenses of our brother going to London and on the other handif the money will not be reeavered that hee will never grace a caper of his money back again. 

Witness William McDonald

James Fraser

Donald McDonald

Elisabeth McDonald"

Alternate Details

Note wirtten by Donald McDonald and his wife Elisabeth McDonald to James Fraser

File Location

Original Material Box #8

File number: 79-37c
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Elisabeth McDonald, Donald McDonald, James Fraser, Fraser, McDonald, McLellans Mountain, note
Views: 737
Uploaded on: May 11, 2016

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