Description Letter Concerning Mining Certificates

"Halifax, NS

May 2nd, 1914

Dear Sirs:

When filling in column "nature of Certificate" in your returns of certificates granted to workmen; you will, for Miner to take charge of a working face, insert the work Record of service. Mine-examiner and shotfirer will be inserted for the other certificates. 

Yours very truly, 

R. D. Anderson

Deputy Inspector, Mines and Quarries


Neil McKay, Esq., 

Neil McDonald, Esq., 

Thorburn, N.S."

Alternate Details

Neil McKay and Neil McDonald were both mine examiners at the time.

File Location

Original Material, Box #20

File number: 00-73e
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Neil McKay, Neil McDonald, Thorburn, R.D. Anderson, mines, mining, letter
Views: 749
Uploaded on: May 10, 2016

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