Description Kenneth McKenzie, Green Hill, 1883

I hereby and in the presence of William McKenzie and Daniel M'Donald Give to my son, George W McKenzie all my Stock of Cattle, Horses and Sheep and all animals, also all the Farming untensils, Ploughs, Harrows, Carts, Wagons, Harnesses, Tackling of every description, and also all the Household Furniture, and all Household Stuff of every description and every description of moveable property which is now upon the Farm, which he the said George W McKenzie and myself now occupy on Green Hill, I also State in the presence of said William McKenzie and Daniel McDonald, that any Money which I have Given to my Son John A McKenzie in California is to be his and I have given him the said Money and do now Give it to him freely for his own use, as I Give George William McKenzie the moveables and Stock and Household Stuff for his use.

In Witness where of I have on this Fourteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Eighty three my hand and Seal Subscribed and Set

In presence of (signed) Daniel McDonald, William McKenzie

(signed) Kenneth McKenzie

File Location

vault, original material, box #19

File number: 99-91b
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: , MacKenzie, M'Kenzie, M'kinzie, Daniel MacDonald, William MacKenzie
Views: 661
Uploaded on: April 14, 2016
Source: A Colleen Shepherd, nee MacKenzie and Ruth C Lawrence, nee MacKenzie

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