This indenture made this fourteenth day of November in the year of Our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and twenty Six, Between Elizabeth Mckenzie of the Green Hill so called in the District of Pictou widow & Relict of Angus Mckenzie late fo the place aforesaid, deceased, Alexander Mckenzie of St. Marys in the County of Sydney, Gentleman and Isabella his wife, William Munro of the Eight Mile Brook in the said District Farmer and Margaret his wife, John Mckenzie of the Four Mile Brook in the said District, Farmer and Catharine his wife, Nancy Mckenzie of the Green Hill aforesaid, Spinster, Andrew Mckay of the Green Hill aforesaid, Farmer and Catharine his wife, and George Murray of the West River of Pictou in the said District, Carpenter and Christy his wife of the one part and Donald Mckenzie and Kenneth Mckenzie both of the Green Hill aforesaid in the District aforesaid, Farmers of the other part. Whereas the said Angus Mckenzie lately died Intestate, leaving a Widow, namely the said Elizabeth McKenzie and Sundry Children; namely the said Alexander Mckenzie, Margaret, the wife of said William Munro, the said John McKenzie, the said Donald Mckenzie, the said Nancy Mckenzie, the said Kenneth Mckenzie, the said Catharine wife of the said Andrew Mckay and Christy the wife of the said George Murray, and also leaving Real Estate consisting off
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Land, Houses and other buildings with the appurtenances situate lying and being at the Green Hill aforesaid in the said District which is abutted bounded and described as follows, that is to say, bounded on the North by the land of Findlay McDonald and William Mattheson, on the West by land belonging to Robert Stewart and George Reid on the South by the Land belonging to William Muncie and on the East by the Land of Alexander Fraser, containing in the whole Three hundred acres and being parcel of a lot Granted by Government to the said Angus Mckenzie, deceased, containing orginally Five hundred and fifty acres, and Whereas the said Elizabeth Mckenzie, hath agreed and consented to remain and dwell with the said Donald Mckenzie and Kenneth Mckenzie and not to have her dower in and out of the said Lands and premises and the said Alexander Mckenzie did in the life time of the said Angus McKenzie receive his full share and portion of and from his said Father Angus Mckenzie and the said John Mckenzie hath received out of the said Three hundred acres one hundred acres, at the South West Corner thereof which is now in possession of one Ronald McQuarry and was intended to have been Granted unto him by his father and the said Nancy Mckenzie being unmarried
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is likewise to remain with the said Donald and Kenneth and to be by them maintained and supported and whereas also it was the intention of the said Angus Mckenzie, so to have disposed of the said Land and premises that they the said Donald Mckenzie and Kenneth Mckenzie should inherit, possess, enjoy, retain and hold the said described premises to them their heirs and assigns forever, always excepting there out the one hundred acres now in possession of the said Donald McQuarry and to be charged with the support and maintenance of their said Mother, Elizabeth Mckenzie and of their said sister Nancy Mckenzie, and whereas the said Donald Mckenzie and the said Kenneth Mckenzie have undertaken to support and maintain the said Elizabeth Mckenzie and the said Nancy Mckenzie and to release to the said Ronald McQuarry all their Right and Title in and to the said one hundred acres now in his possession being the same part formerly allotted to the said John Mckenzie by his father and by the said John Mckenzie Given in Exchange for other lands belonging to the said Ronald McQuarry. Now this Indenture Witnesseth That in consideration of the premises and for the perfecting the intention of the said Angus Mckenzie and for settleing and adjusting
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and adjusting all and any disputes and controversies which may arise relating to or concerning the said Land and premises and also in consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful money of Nova Scotia t them in hand paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they the said Elizabeth Mckenzie, Alexander Mckenzie and Isabella his wife, William Munro and Margaret his wife, John Mckenzie and Catharine his wife & George Murray and Christy his wife, Have and each of them Hath Revised, Released, and forever quitted claim and by these presents Do and each of them Doth Revise, Release and forever quit claim unto them the said Donald Mckenzie and Kenneth Mckenzie their heirs and Assigns all and singular the aforesaid Lands and premises hereinbefore described of which he the late Angus Mckenzie died possessed and which is now in the actual possession of them the said Donald Mckenzie and Kenneth Mckenzie excepting only the one hundred acres in possession of the said Ronald McQuarry and which they the
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the said Donald Mckenzie and Kenneth Mckenzie by Deed bearing even date herewith have released unto him the said Ronald McQuarry To Have and To Hold all the before described Lands & premises Released, or intended so to be, to them the said Donald Mckenzie and Kenneth Mckenzie their and each of their heirs and Assings forever to their sole use benefit and behalf in as full free and ample a manner as he the said Angus Mckenzie held the same in his life time. In Witness whereof the said parties have to these presents their hands and seals subscribed and set the day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed & Delievered in the presense of (signature and marks of Elizabeth M'kinzie, Alexander McKenzie, Isabella McKenzie, William Munro, Margaret Munrow, John Mckenzie, Katharine M'Kenzie, Nancy M'kenzie, Andrew Mckay, Kethen M'kay, George Murray, Christian Mury*
(Witness signatures) George McDonald, Alexander Fraser
Witness Presnt George M'Donald qp
10th May 1863
The witness named Alexander M'kenzie and Isabella his wife both Signed this Indenture in my presents in Saint Marys. William Mc-- J.P.
(Pages 6 and 7 are partially crossed out)
(Next bit on page 6 has lines through it) County of Halifax, District of Pictou, On this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty personally as appeared before me the subscriber one of His Majestys Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas in and for the said District of Pictou Margaret wife of William Munro, Catharine, wife of Andrew Mckay & Christy, wife to George Murray whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Deed and who having by me examined seperate and apart form their said husbands did acknowledge that they did freely voluntarily and without any compulsion from their said husbands sign, seal, execute, and deliver the foregoing Deed for the purposes therein mentioned contained expressed and set forth all which do hereby certify.
(This part on page 6 does not have lines through it) Personally appeared before me the subscriber one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Isabella wife of the within named Alexander Mckenzie whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Deed
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who being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged that she did freely voluntarily and without any compulsion from her said husband sign seal execute and deliver the foregoing Deed for the (page is torn/worn here) in contained expressed & set forth: witness by hand at Saint Marys this Twenty Fifth* day of December -- William M K--- J.P.
(Next bit on page 7 has lines through it) On this tenth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Sixty three personally appeared before me in the subscriber one of her Majestys Justice of the Peace for the County of Pictou Catharine wife of the within named John Mckenzie whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Deed who being by the examined separate and apart for her said husband acknowledged that she did freely voluntarily and without any compulsion from her said husband sign seal execute and deliver the foregoing Deed for the purposes therein contained expressed and set forth. All which I hereby certify.
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On the tenth day of May in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixty three personally appeared before me the subscriber one of Her Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou Catharine the wife of Andrew McKay and Christy the wife of George Murray and on the Seventh day of July in the Year aforesaid Catharine the wife of John McKenzie whose names are subscribed in the foregoing deed who being by me respectively examined separate and apart from their said husbands acknowledge that they did freely and voluntarily and without any force or compulsion from their said husbands respectively sign seal execute and deliver the foregoing deed for the purposes therein mentioned contained expressed and set forth- all which I do hereby certify (signed) George M'Donald qP
Vault, original material, box #19
File number: | 99-91-1 |
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Tags: | Elizabeth MacKenzie, Angus MacKenzie, Alexander MacKenzie, Isabella MacKenzie, John MacKenzie, Catherine Mckenzie, Catharine MacKenzie, Nancy MacKenzie, Andrew MacKay, Catherine MacKay, Catharine MacKay, George Murry, Christy Murray, Christy Murry, Donald MacKenzie, Kenneth MacKenzie, Finlay MacDonald, William Matheson, Ronald MacQuarry, Ronald McQuarrie, Ronald MacQuarrie, M'Donald, M'kenzie, M'Kenzie, M'kinzie |
Views: | 1196 |
Uploaded on: | April 14, 2016 |
Source: | Ruth C Lawrence, nee MacKenzie and A Colleen Shepherd, nee MacKenzie |