Description Daniel Fraser

Received payment of the annexed amount from Mr Danl Fraser, 8* Sept 1814, Head & Anderson; Ship Henry for A Morgan 16.11.9


---  Acute Rheumat--

Merchant Seamans Hospital 

Halifax  Sept 7  1814

Ship Henry Capt Gardner               Dr

1814     for Abm Morgan/ Carpenter/ To Head & Anderson

Admit Aug.1.} To 38 days --- at 3/6        $* 6.13.0

--- Sept 7 }  " medicines and attendance     9.13.9

inclusive      " wine 1 qt                                . 5 .

                                                            $* 16.11.9


To medicines & attendance, bleeding, etc 

by Sam Head (previous to his going to the 

Hospital) on board the Henry                      1...8..0


Please to pay the above bill for my illness on account of the Ship Henry.        Mr Danl Fraser, Sept 7.1814                

Abraham Morgan





File Location

vault, original material, box #2

File number: 77-42-2-19
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: statement, invoice, payment, pound, shilling, pence, account, fees, expenses, treatment, medical, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, merchant, correspondence
Views: 693
Uploaded on: March 23, 2016

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